The Accidental Comedy of Zoom Meetings

One of the funniest yet strangeest experiences I've had was during the COVID-19 lockdown. Most people were made to stay indoors and were unable to go to their various jobs, but luckily for me, I could because I at the time work at a manufacturing company that produces sacks and baggings for different food manufacturing companies around the country. However, not everyone amongst us was allowed to work except those who work in the factory directly.


And being that I at the time was doubling as both the supervisor and audit manager, it means I had to give a report back to my superior about what happened after each day of work, how many tons were produced, and what we've shipped to their various destinations. On that faithful weekend, I had been called by my branch manager, who happened to be a Lebanese, that I wouldn't only be giving him feedback, but most of the management board of the organization.

I guess they all want to hear from me directly what's going on at the factory since the majority of them had traveled back to their country and were held back due to the worldwide lockdown of COVID-19. I can remember my manager firmly telling me over the phone that I'll be giving a report to the management via a live Zoom meeting and specifically told me to dress cooperate for the meeting as the meeting involves the board of directors.

With that being said, I began preparation for the meeting but almost forgot about it due to me playing with the kids of my neighbor in my house, but luckily I set an alarm to remind me when it's 10 minutes before the meeting. When the alarm rang, I panicked and quickly discharged the children and rushed into my room to dress and join the Zoom meeting, but due to the short time I've left, all I could do was put on my shirt, wear a tie, and suit, while down all I had on was a boxer.

Although I wanted to wear trousers, looking at the time, I decided there's no need for that since I'll be sitting to give the report, Since all they'll see is the upper parts of my body, so I sat down and put everything in place, and minutes later, the Zoom meeting began, which I tried as much as possible to compose and give each report to them while also listening to the new task and demand they want us to work on at the factory.


During the course of the meeting, one of my neighbor children opens the door to my room, calling unto me that he wants to watch cartoons at my place, but seeing the state I was in, I guess he understood and just quickly ran out of the house but forgot to close the door. At that time, I'm sure everyone in the Zoom meeting saw the child because the way I sat, I was backing the door, and the meeting was brought to a few minutes halt. Seeing what had happened, I quickly apologized and decided I should close the door and lock it behind, so no one would come in to interrupt the meeting again.

I had stood up and locked the door and totally forgot about my dressing, but on my way back to the chair to sit, I realized everyone must have seen I was only putting on a boxer, and I had only dressed cooperate on the upper part of my body. Seeing that I was already devastated and afraid of what they'll say, I took a glant at my branch manager, and I can see he looks furious, but that didn't last long because what happened next changed the atmosphere of the meeting.

The senior among those I was giving a report to had intentionally stood up and showed everyone of us that he's also putting on a boxer himself, but dressed cooperate in the upper parts of his body. Immediately he did that, two of the others did the same to show their boxers, and before you know it, everyone was laughing about it and told me not to worry, that since it's an impromptu meeting at home, then there's no big deal, while also joking that they hope I won't be dressing the same way to work.

Being a serious meeting that involves the production of goods that's worth over 20 million, and being that most of them are white and not Nigerian like I'm, I was afraid, but seeing how it all turns out, I can't help but join in the laughter, though strange at first, yet it was funny, and each time I look back in the memory lane of that faithful day, I can't help but laugh at how all these big men whom I knew to always be work-oriented and focused laughed over my flaws rather than scold me; they had made me feel safe and understood that I'm not the only one who dressed like that.

All photos are taken and edited on canva.

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