Neoxag Currency Incident: 6.5 million neoxag erroneously printed.

Neoxag Currency Incident: 6.5 million neoxag erroneously printed.

Post rewards going 100% to neoxianburn

Summary: roughly 6.5 million neoxag was printed, here is the list:


Sorry for the tag guys. (I left neoxianburn off the list).
This is the top list of those who received neoxag incorrectly.


Near the end of last April, I wanted to switch the Tribe from the old Scot bot to the newer and more decentralized SMT contracts. So I contacted @eonwarped in the Discord and we set it up, and I thought everything was fine, but it wasn't.

@ironshield the hero

First let me thank Ironshield, who reported this to me within 3 hours of receiving it. And he is on the top of the list. This could have been much worse if it had gone undected for even longer. What an honest and upstanding guy.

What happened?

Well it turns out that the Tribe was misconfigured (and there is buggy code), and rather then going completely to SMT, which is what should have happened, and what I asked for. Instead, the Tribe was in a hybrid state with the old Scot Bot still spitting out tokens when it shouldn't be. These extra tokens were mostly small amounts, but for whatever reason, not fully understood by me, the Scot Bot went buck wild in the last few weeks or days and started giving very large amounts to people.

Eonwarped, you messed up

Hi @eonwarped, I'm going to try to be as nice and diplomatic as I can, but you done goofed.

A couple of quotes from the discord of Eon admitting his mistakes. You really did a number on my tribe man, not cool. To his credit though, he was around to help me fix this quickly on the weekend, so there is that.

But this point of this post isn't to point the finger at Eon. I bear responsibility too, I should have made a better effort to understand what was going on.

The problem has been fixed

Let me make it clear that the problem printing the extra neoxags has been fixed. The old scot has finally been turned completely off and the Tribe is full on SMT, so there is nothing now printing neoxags that shouldn't be.

But the damage remains.

Unfortunately there is around 6.5 million neoxags that I can't snap my fingers and make disappear.

What I am doing about it:

  1. First I placed a big buy order on the market to pick any dumping should people choose to do that
  2. I have been contacting some on that list to try to get them to burn off some of that neoxag. I have already made deals with Chronocrypto and B0s who were high on that list. In discussion with Ironshield.
  3. I have an account neoxiancity which just so happens to have around 6.5 million neoxag in it (yea funny that). Seriously considering just burning this 6.5 million which will offset the extra 6.5 million.

My request

If you happen to be on that list above, especially high on the list, if you can find it in your heart to at least burn your liquid neoxag that you got, I would appreciate it. If you want to be rewarded for doing this..let's talk, contact me in Discord. neoxian#3936 maybe we can cut some kind of deal, possibly buy your neoxags, or reward you.


Well this sucks, but it doesn't need to be the end of Neoxag. It could have been worse. The Tribe will carry on for now.

(image generated by Midjourney AI, used with permission)

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