Productive Self-Talk practice!

We all do self-talk but most of them are not productive. It's better to say most of the self-talk actually full of fear, stress, and imagination. But no matter what and how it is, there are many researchers prove that self-talk is healthy. Most importantly we can turn our non-productive self-talk into something useful.



Remember self-talk is a way to understand thyself, what it things about certain things, how it feels and what the next more. So, it's essential to point out what we are thinking inside. Also, it reflects our fear, worry, and the negative feeling. So, if we can focus on this we can easily understand what would be our next move.

  • Ask questions to yourself. Try to know why, how and what. When your inner self starts to answer, it gradually will make your mind more organized.

  • Practice talking about your self-talk output to others. Like, discuss with friends what you find from self-talk. It helps to understand things better.

  • Put yourself in charge while talking with thyself. Don't let your inner self make you feel shame for your action. We all do mistakes. So, focus on the positive sides only.

  • Keep your plan to face your inner self when you fail. It's okay to not get success every time. But dealing with our inner self successfully at that time is critical. So plan for it.

In many ways, we can construct a story while talking with thyself. Like, if I do this or don't do that what will happen. It helps us to predict and prepare. But before that, we need to understand that self-talk is not crazy nor non-productive. Yeah, it may sound time-consuming for no reason but without it, we will lose the connection with our inner self. So, practice being productive in this way!

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