Don't Self-Sabotage ! ! !

What negative things we tell ourselves, we may not tell anybody else!

We are bad, we are ugly, we are a failure, we are good for nothing, we are not good enough, we don't look confident.

The thing is, we are not good to ourselves, we don't love ourselves as much as we should, we don't care for us the amount of care we need. The self-sabotaging is common. We don't realize how harmful this is. And silently it kills us.



Let's see what 'thinking process' can be called 'self-sabotaging' and how we can get rid of them!

Continuous comparison. We take life as a competition. We continuously compare our look, success, achievement everything with others. And especially in this era of social media, it became a norm. But this 'silent comparison kills our self-esteem, self-love, and respect.

Focusing on failure. We blame ourselves for all the failures, mistakes we have made. We make us feel we are a bad person. This thinking process is so harmful that it often leads to depression and make us less thankful for what we have and achieved.

A little destruction can make us feel better. We often try 'this or that' to forget all the negative things about our life. Form, listening to music to drug everything is included. I'm not saying music is bad but when we use this to district our mind to accept the 'facts' of life, it can be harmful. Better we should learn to accept and embrace the way we are.

The thinking chain. The self-sabotaging thinking process is like a chain of negative thinking. It leads us to think every bad about ourselves. And the major thing we ignore is to take action to make it better. Which is much necessary than just think!

You know, mistakes will be there no matter how bad we try. But it doesn't mean that it makes us a bad person. We always can choose to change our life for the better. It's necessary to understand what 'thinking process' is killing us and we have to take action to get out of it!

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