Do You Like Working from Home?

Do You Like Working from Home?

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Source: Pexels

Do You Like Working from Home?

Hello everyone!

I'll be bluntly honest: working from home has been a blessing for me.

Before COVID, it was absolutely, totally, completely off the table the possibility of working from home. My workplace was 100% in-office, and the higher-ups were totally against even a hybrid 1-day-remote and 4-days-office.

Why? Who knows!

When the pandemic hit, they had to shift to remote work and I was incredibly thrilled. No more commutes, no more office politics, and no more uncomfortable dress codes, no more having to eat out on restaurants. I could work in my pajamas (or even without a t-shirt, as Rio de Janeiro is hot as hell), take breaks whenever I wanted, eat my home-made healthy food, and have more time to spend with my wife and my bunny.

The benefits were immediate. I found myself more productive and less stressed. I could focus better without the distractions of the office and I was able to schedule my day around my needs rather than the needs of my employer.

However, I know that this is not everyone's experience. There were other workers that had problems. They felt that working from home could be isolating, and missed the social interactions of the office. Zoom/Meets calls could never replace the spontaneity of face-to-face interactions; and, to be honest, they're right on this point. Online meets aren't meant to replace face-to-face interactions.

Another common complain is that it's difficult to switch off from work, since the boundaries between work and home life is now blurred. And, again, they are also right: I'm not working longer hours than before, and I find myself checking emails and WhatsApp messages at all hours of the day and night.

But, overall, working from home has been a great experience for me. It has its challenges and problems, but I learned to appreciate the hours flexibility that it provides. I'm way, WAY more healthy now, I'm eating better, I'm exercising more (I'm going to the gym 4 times per week!). I can't imagine living as I did before, going everyday to the office!!

We're now in a hybrid model of 2-days-office and 3-days-home, and I think it's the best of both worlds: I can benefit from the remote work, while also having some days to interact in-person with my colleagues in order to be able to do important, managerial stuff together.

What about you? What has been your experience about WFH? Do you like it, hate it, why?

Thanks for reading this post, and until next time!

If you enjoyed the post, feel free to follow me as I'm routinely writing about Gaming, Investment, Fitness and Writing, and posting about other random fun subjects like Travel, Photography and Metal Detecting!

Unless stated otherwise, all images are created and owned by me. Also, believe it or not, I'm not actually a squirrel! This handsome rodent in my profile picture is a character from 'Conker: Live & Reloaded'. Here's Real Life me!

Posted using Neoxian City

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