Not So Palatable For Me - Neoxian City Writing Prompt 17

Although it's said that man shall not live by bread - food, alone but man actually need food to survive. I love food, no doubt and I always like trying out new recipes, food from other cultures and the rest.

The first time I tasted yam cooked with sugar, I couldn't believe my eyes. I was confused as confused can be, hehehe. That was the most weirdest of foods that I've ever tasted in my entire life.

Here's what happened, years ago, I guess 2010, I had traveled from Uyo which was my base then to Port Harcourt, Rivers State to visit a male friend, a yoruba guy. I got there late in the evening and was so tired and famished. After welcoming me with a warm kiss, he told me to go shower while he prepares something for us to eat. Awwnnn, so olomantic, in my mind I have gotten a husband material 1,000 yards, lol 😂.

Who am I to refuse such a queen's treatment so I heeded to my prince charming's instruction and went to have a warm shower. While showering, I was singing and doing a happy dance, while thanking my stars of how lucky I was. To get good man no easy now, hehehe 🤣.

After the shower, I peered into the kitchen to see what he was cooking because the aroma was so inviting making all the worms in my stomach to start scrambling for who will catch the first bite of the food, but he told me to go watch TV that food will be served soon. Ah, my joy increased and I was only beaming with smiles like someone who ate laughter mushroom, hehehe.

Few minutes later, food was served - yam with vegetable sauce, one of my favorites. We prayed and like a hungry lion I dug into the food, took the first bite yam and party scattered, lol. I couldn't understand the taste of the yam, the sweetness was so much that I began to wonder if it was a different type of yam that I haven't eaten before. I tried chewing it but couldn't so I reached for a serviette and deposited it there, then I asked why the yam was so sweet.

He told me that he added sugar while cooking the yam and that it is how they prepare it in their place. I further asked him why so and he replied that it was to make the yam sweet and tasty. I'm sure some of our Yoruba Hivers here can confirm this.

Hearing this I was shocked and reschocked at the same time. Whaaaaattt!, sugar in yam that is already sweet due to the natural sugar contents in it, oh my world!! 😮. I didn't even want to start imagining the health risks this type of food may pose.

He told me to try and eat it that I would love it but I just couldn't, in fact the hunger ceased immediately and all the worms that were fighting for first place scampered for safety for fear of eating the weird food, lol.
Las las, he ate the sugared yam alone while I took milo beverage with bread. I cannot come and eat what will cause me stomach upset.

Many thanks for reading.

Still the #threadsaddict 😂

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