ED weekly posting topic: Holiday plans for Paris !

I'm rising to the challenge of the ED weekly posting topic this week to write about our plans for a holiday.

[I took this on a trip to Paris quite a few years ago now - possibly 2006]

Our plan is to go to Paris this year, but we are not quite sure if we can make it yet due to it looking like it might be quite a busy year for us.

But why Paris ?

  • Its awesome - which is always a good start !
  • We may spend a day at Disneyland Paris while there, which we love,
  • We love the culture, architecture and general ambience in Paris,
  • The art galleries are incredible - Mona Lisa anyone ? And our fav - the Picasso gallery !
  • The food is great, and we like to visit some of the brasseries, which are fantastic,
  • And the wine and beer aint too bad either !

I'm such a massive architecture lover that I will spend all day everyday wandering around looking up and snapping all the fancy buildings. There are so many too choose from in Paris, and in particular it has some lovely art nouveau buildings which are not so common on the UK, so that will be a treat.

And the food is generally great. I will absolutely be having some french onion soup - you cant go to Paris and not have that !!! And then one of the most memorable dishes I had in Paris back in the 90s was a fantastic baked alaska (ice cream baked inside meringue) - which was bedecked with sparklers on the top ! It was awesome. So if we can find a brasserie serving that, it will also be on the menu.

My daughter is very much in to history, and she has said she'd like to go to the Palace of Versailles, which is just south of Paris, so we'd plan to have a day there too.

And there is something about wandering along the banks of the Seine. They have these lovely kiosks where they sell books, snacks, collectibles and all kinds of things ! And its great to just wander along, checking out what is being sold and buying some trinkets. And while by the river, a trip to Notre Damme Cathedral will also be on the cards. Its just stunning, although rather busy - but thats ok.

So for us, it will be a busy but chilled at the same time. We'll be walking lots most days and taking in the sights, but with lots of breaks for snacks, food, drinks and just taking in the ambience in the cafe culture. We'll be culture vultures visiting galleries, museums and the like and of course the louvre - and anything else that looks cool.

So heres hoping we can pull it off. Ideally we'd like to be in Paris for around a week, and then maybe rent a cottage and spend a second week somewhere else in the French countryside so we can relax and chill.

Anyway, thats the best laid plans of mice and men for our holidays this year - heres hoping !

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