Staying Organised fosters productivity...

Feels so good writing this prompt after I just finished writing about living a balanced life and that's because organization could be said to be the bedrock of balancing our life.

Arranging my room and my surrounding is what I take delight in doing but it never stays for long since someone will just enter and can't keep his or her hands in one place and not long enough, the book you neatly arranged is on the bed already whereas another of your roommate will just enter and convert the nearest chair to a wardrobe.

I kept on talking and talking but it yielded little or no outcome as the room will quickly scatter few weeks if I stop talking.... This led me to devising a new approach to ensure our room is always organised.
Take a look at them...

  • A Free Reading Table:

One of the most disorganised area in a student's room is the table, maybe it's because our life revolves around the table anyway, hehehe.



Our room wasn't exempted and for us to put a stop to the disorganisation, we constructed a book shelf and this made it easy for any of us to quickly slide in our handouts and textbooks there ensuring the table is organised.

  • Division Of Labour:

When I entered the room newly, I was constantly doing the cleaning alone and complaining all the time it got scattered and part of the new method I carved in was to distribute the responsibilities.
I was no longer the only one doing the cleaning but rather, it was rotated amongst us making all of us to be vigilant about who will scatter the room, lol.
You know most times you don't value things when you're on the receiving end but when you give out once or twice, you'll get to value anything given to you and that was the case here, my roommates that never saw any harm in scattering the room suddenly were complaining when the room was scattered because this time around, they arranged it.

  • Under-Bed Storage:

Finally, the student's room is not like the family big sitting room where there is enough space for you to spread your belongings as you like so we found it necessary to push some of our loads under the bed since there was space underneath and by so doing, there were free spaces in the room.


Staying organised isn't just attractive but also fosters productivity but just like every good thing on earth, there's always a price to pay to maintain organization especially when you don't stay alone but enacting some guidelines even when you share a room with someone helps a lot.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day

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