Kiss Clutter Goodbye: Simplify Your Space, Simplify Your Life

Growing up with younger siblings has had a huge impact on the life I’m currently living. Imagine having to take responsibility of everyone’s mess just because they’re younger than you. Those days, I used to always think my mom hated me but truth is, she was grooming us to become responsible women in future.

Every kid feels happy when they’re left alone in the house with their siblings. That’s the time they get to sit on dads chair like they’re the boss, fight over the tv remove, throw pillows around and even break the tv sometimes.😂 yes! I did all of that as a kid but I made sure to put everything back in its place before our parents came back home- minus the broken tv.😂

Being a perfectionist, I’m crazy about order. I like everything of mine to be at its right place because I don’t want to go through the hustle of having to look for it all the time. I’m one of those people who would know you touched their shit even when I’m away. Organized places also help improve my productivity.

Today, I want to share with you a few tips to help keep your house in order.


Are you someone who waits until they’re done cooking a whole meal before doing the dishes? Are you overwhelmed with how much dishes you have to do at the end of it all. Let’s change your life now. Clean as you go simple means, as you cook, make sure to be doing your dishes in the process.

At the end of it, you’d end up with about one or two dishes to do and that wouldn’t be a big deal for you. This doesn’t only have to do with cooking even though it mostly helps in the kitchen. With any activity you’re doing at home, make sure to clean as you go. While doing time consuming activities, tackle some activities to save time.


This is actually self explanatory. When you take that glass from the shelf make sure to put it back when you’re done using. Some of us are very terrible at putting things back to their right places once we are done using them. We just leave them around when we are done and at the end of the day, there would be a huge mess because everything is scattered around.


Some of us still have our books from primary school on our shelves or under our beds and they’re always collecting dust. We tend to have so many things which are not important to us in our homes and they even take up so much space which we could have used for something else.

There’s no use holding on to that broken chair, throw it out and create some space in your living room. That dress is old and you don’t wear it anymore, throw it out and create some space for your overflowing wardrobe. Make it a point to declutter regularly, at least once in two weeks. You’d be surprised by how much you let go off.

Everyone deserves an organized home. You wouldn’t want unannounced visitors to meet your home in a mess. These few tips would be a start to you organized home journey. I hope they are helpful to you. Thanks for reading.

all images belong to me.

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