Unveiling the Hive Tech Conference (HTC) 2024.

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There are milestone events in the history of technology and invention that will affect the future. This is an official announcement of Hive Tech Conference (HTC) 2024, captioned "The New Internet," which is expected to be one such crucial occasion. This conference, scheduled for March 9th in Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology's renowned Great Hall, is expected to be a revolutionary event aimed at empowering Ghana's youth.

The objective of our conference is a deep commitment to empowering youth. The event aims to deliver Web3, blockchain, and entrepreneurial skills right to Ghanaians' doorsteps. In an era where digital literacy is associated with financial independence, the Hive Tech Conference attempts to empower young people with the tools necessary to navigate the changing world.


                 Event Venue, Great Hall.

Behind the Scenes

The route to this groundbreaking event began last year, led by the brilliant team under the supervision of @mcsamm and @collinz. The goal became a joint endeavour involving many members of the Ghanaian community, stakeholders, and other technocrats. Every element was diligently organised by a planning committee, which included hivers such as @nattybongo, @epopag, @awuahbenjamin, @zicogh, and many more. The careful preparations demonstrate a commitment to ensure both the success and the attractiveness of this meeting.

Media Partnerships

Top tech corporations, university departments, and organisations have collaborated to provide essential insights and information about Hive, a web3 technology. The relationship continues beyond the conference, with a shared commitment to developing a long-term connection with Hive in Ghana.

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Speakers and Insights

The conference has renowned speakers with extensive expertise to share their insights. Among them is a Hive blockchain representative who is eager to share about the platform's unique features as a true Web3 solution. The focus is on revealing what distinguishes Hive in the worlds of social and blockchain platforms.

Special Invitations and Community Impact

The Hive Tech Conference will feature chiefs and traditional leaders from Ghanaian communities that have witnessed transformational projects such as the Hive borehole project, demonstrating the impact of Web3 technology in the real world. Communications with these leaders have been well received, and they are anxious to convey their thanks for the life-changing impact brought about by hive, a web3 technology.

The distinction of this conference is truly remarkable, as we are honored to welcome @mynewlife as a distinguished guest traveling to Ghana to document the event and other noteworthy Hive projects. This presents a tremendous opportunity for us to showcase the finest aspects of the Hive blockchain to the global audience.

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                     Event Speakers

Extensive Media Coverage

The significance of the event is not confined to the conference hall; it will be broadcast far and wide. Local TV stations, radio, and newspapers have expressed enthusiasm in providing live coverage, ensuring that the transformative messages reach every corner of Ghanaian society and beyond.

As the big day approaches, this piece is an official announcement for the whole Hive ecosystem. The Hive Tech Conference is set to engage minds by displaying a real Web3 platform capable of changing lives through the imparting of new skills and activities.






A heartfelt thank you goes out to @guiltyparties, @crimsonclad, @theycallmedan, @starkerz, @steevc, @adetorrent, @rubencress, and all hivers who have contributed since last year to this effect. Special thanks to @enrique89, @hivecreators for serving us with all the graphics and designs for this event and all the significant contributors whose support has made web3 and blockchain daily activities for Ghanaians. The countdown to this mind-blowing event has begun, and readers are encouraged to follow along for daily updates on this journey into the future.


             Designs by @enrique89 / @hivecreators
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