Exciting News about the hive project in Ghana.


We are thrilled to announce that the 10th borehole in Tamale, Ghana, is now ready to be officially launched and handed over to the Gbamyamli community! This significant project will provide the community with access to safe and potable drinking water, transforming lives and ensuring a brighter future.

The chief and the entire Gbamyamli community are fully prepared and eagerly awaiting this momentous occasion. We are currently making arrangements for the inauguration, which is scheduled to take place next weekend. Invited guests, media personalities, camera guys, and people from various walks of life will grace the event, making it a remarkable celebration of progress and unity.




As we count down the days to the launching ceremony, we promise to keep everyone well informed about any further developments. Together, we are taking one step closer to a healthier and thriving community, thanks to this remarkable borehole initiative.

Stay tuned for more updates, and let us all join in the anticipation of this joyous event, as we witness the positive impact of accessible potable water in the lives of the Gbamyamli community.


Project : Construction of borehole
Location : Gbamyamli - Tamale (Ghana, West Africa)
Sponsor : @valueplan
Project manager : @mcsamm & @collinz


Changing lives with hive.

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