Breast cancer Awareness

Greetings, everyone!๐Ÿ™Œ

I heard of breast cancer at a very young age, and the only part I focused more on was the part that scares me most: cutting off the breast. This part scares me so much that I can't just comprehend it, and many questions always fill my mind whenever I think of it, like:

  • Is this cutting off the breast really true?
  • Like, the breast will be permanently trimmed off by a knife?
  • How does the victim withstand the pain?
  • Does it mean that the victim would have to live for the rest of her life with just one side of the breast or completely without breast?

And so many questions.

I was very tender about these thoughts, and I began to search to see if I could find someone that's actually affected, but I never found any This made me, at a point, believe that the story about breast cancer is a lie because if it's as serious as they talk about it, how come I haven't seen anyone, or does it mean that the victims only live in big cities?

It'll surprise you to know that I became an adult with this same mindset because, up until today, I haven't seen a victim physically. I'm not praying to see because I would be lost in imagination and pity.

But yeah, I strongly believe that breast cancer is real due to the many workshops we attended in school and the many news/ stories I've read about it, coupled with the fact that it has a special day for awareness internationally.

I'm not a medical person, but I know a bit about this sickness because it's very common, exactly the way people talk about ulcers, which has the notification or stereotype that both of them have no cure, or rather, people say the local pattern of treatment is the best way.
Currently, one of my neighbors' dad is a tradomedical person and this guy never seize to advertise his dad's work. According to him, he said people travel from far and near to meet his dad for cure to sicknesses like ulcer, appendicitis and cancer. Hmmmm!

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What is the cause?
I stand to be corrected on this, please.
From what I learned during those workshops in school (a long time ago), breast cancer does not have a central cause; it could be an infection caused by a careless way of life, such as too much alcohol intake or sleeping with a phone close to the breast, which gets visited by that radiation. It could also be caused by heritable genes... and so others.

Should you go for local treatment?
I've heard so much stuffs with regards to its treatment using the local or herbal method. It worked for some, while for others, it has led to their deaths.
Since it's a worldwide known sickness, I beseech any victim to follow the laid-down processes of going about it instead of taking the risk of concoction.

Some years ago, I once listened to a doctor's story about a woman, a cancer patient, who was brought to him, only to get there to meet the woman dead. What happened? She had been hiding and secretly taking concoctions๐Ÿ’”
Just like I said earlier, no doubt some of these concoctions are effective, but what worked for one might not work for another.

Please open up and go for a real medical examination.
I know that medical treatment like that costs a fortune. Most government hospitals have a cut in fee (if not free) for such medical treatment.
Yes, please do it.

Thanks for reading.

This is my entry to HiveGhana prompt

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