Easy and fast : baby rice

Hi guys ,
if you stay alone you’ve probably been in a situation where you get back home so exhausted that you can’t cook but have to cook to eat ,or where you dont want to buy takeaway food .

These situations is basically my life at school , I get back from lectures and I am so so exhausted, plus I have deadlines to meet. Just when I’m relieved I’m home my belly starts to ring the hunger bell faster . But anyway this is not a problem for me 😌. As a final year undergrad student I have mastered the skill of fast cooking . And all these years I have harnessed it to its finest lol. FYI my roomie nicknamed me Fast Fast 😂.

I have cooked different foods very quick . But the fastest is noodles ( indomie ) . I don’t think it would be fair if I am to consider noodles because literally anyone can cook noodles fast . when I say noodles you know what I mean not the garnished ones 😂 .

Baby rice is what I usually cook fastest
All I need is my rice,pepper, tomatoes, oil salt, shrimp powder plus carrots, onions ,turmeric , green pepper and eggs .
When I say baby rice I mean braised rice

First thing I do is to get my cooking pot ready on the gas and pour oil about 5 spoons , I don’t usually measure I just look at the quantity I poured in and decide if it will be enough.
Next, I put sliced onion into the pot
then leave it to fry till it starts to turn brown then I add my rice. I add salt and turmeric powder just a bit . Sometimes I use curry powder instead of turmeric sometimes I do not use at all . After , I stir fry for about 5mins on not very high heat . Then I pour water into the pot depending the quantity of rice I added . Then leave it to boil.
Next is chopping my green pepper, carrot and onions again . note that I wash them before chopping oo😂
The next thing I do is too wash my pepper and tomatoes then I add onions, salt , small shrimp powder and small oil and blend, i add oil for it to blend smoothly.
I usually boil or fry eggs , sometimes too I use sausage or sardine instead of egg. 😂when My pockets are still heavy I do both
After all this cutting and blending ,my rice would have been done by then. Voila Food is ready .. it’s chop time !!
So fast huh? I don’t usually time my self but I think roughly I use like 30 to 40 minutes to cook my baby rice.
Do you think 30 minutes is fast ?

Thanks for your time ,hope you liked my post !
See you in my next post

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