
It's a dream of most people if not everyone to be successful but then most times we get confused when defining what success is or what success should be. For me, I'd say success has different meaning to different people. I do believe that success is not a destination, it's not something that is defined by the destination, but It's defined better by the journey that is taken to get to that destination.

Most times we lose focus of the journey and we concern ourselves more with just the destination and I think at that point it's when we start loosing focus of what success truly is or what it should be. For me I'd define success as a journey and not a destination. Just like when we travel to somewhere for the first time, especially for fun or vacation, we are mostly thrilled by the journey and not really the destination (though it's the destination that makes it complete).


The new places we pass by, the different faces we see and the experience with the journey is what we use to define if our journey was stressful, fun and successful. When we get to our destination, the first thing anyone what's to know is how our journey went and not really where we are. If you understand that well, it means you've understood better my definition of what success is.

Getting to our destination is the goal but then we should put in more effort into the journey because that's what will define our destination. With that in mind, I will say a successful person is someone who people around him and even afar of has something remarkable to say about them. He or she may be wealthy or poor either ways the people around them always fill their impact.


A successful person is someone who is a bit intentional about affecting the lives around him positively. I can't say a person is successful when everyone around him is literally suffering even when he has money or when he or she is well to do. In our world today, so many people are so concern about just themselves that it's hard for them to even think about others whenever they do anything. All the care about is how much they will benefit for doing what they want to do.


People say that opportunity comes but once but I totally don't agree with that because for someone to be successful, he or she should be someone who creates Opportunities for others and also themselves. You don't give a neighbor fish when you see he or she is hungry, instead you teach them how to fish so they can help themselves better and also help those around then too.


Like I said when I started, when I want to define who a successful person is, what I look at is their journey and not really where they are. A successful person to me is someone who doesn't think of him or herself alone, infact they are always thinking of how to make things better for themselves and others and by their actions you can see it all over them. As the Bible says, by their fruits you shall know them, so when you see a successful person, you will know.

I do believe that we all have our own definition of what success is and who a successful person is but this is my own opinion and thoughts of what I think success is and who a successful person is and should be.

This is my response to the second topic in the hiveghana's weekly prompt.

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