Weekly Engagement-WK 13: Join Us For A Week Filled With Exciting Activities

Hello to y'all,

It's been a wonderful week so far, We have come really far with our weekly activities and before I say anything today let me say, thank all members of our community for keeping up with the pace and sharing your wonderful stories, ideas, lessons etc with us, it is always a pleasure.


Ok, so now we have another amazing week with us and it promises to be nothing but exciting as it always has been, it is the last week of August, and as such we would want to do some recaps, look at ways to make things better moving forward and hopefully have a blast for the month ahead. And so for this week, here are our activity lineup;


My Hive Challenges

For most individuals, the hive journey has been a smooth sail, a fun and exciting one, and finding new things and learning along the way has been full of curiosity and zeal, then some of us didn't have it all easy, navigating the platform and the dapps and the various communities trying to find where we belong and fit in was a major challenge.


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We had our worries and our doubts, we had our setbacks and our awe moments, the first payout claim, the first powerups, and the first hivebuzz achievement badge, etc, Through it all we can say we are here today. Many are now joining us and many others will be joining us in the days ahead, we want to know, What are the major challenges you faced being on the Hive blockchain and what solutions did you find to them? show us the way that we may learn from your ways.


Why is it Difficult to Trust?

In our contemporary society, distrust seems to reign supreme when it comes to people dealing with other people. Relationships are failing and marriages keep getting broken, According to stats about 56% of marriages fail in our current era, and most of these seem to stem from distrust between two individuals.


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Tell us what you think? Have you experienced any situation that led you to become more cautious about people or perhaps you lost the trust and carefree nature you had with people or humanity? Perhaps you believe these are all theories cooked up by some individuals who do not believe in people out of bitterness? Tell us your story...


What Kinda of Parent would I Be?

It is said that charity begins at home and mostly ends where it begins, most of our traits as adults stem from our experiences and exposure from infancy, whether we received enough love or were neglected, whether we have a positive environment and a positive upbringing or we experienced lots of trauma, etc.


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A lot of things come into play when we look at the growth of a child and the majority of it centers on the parent or parents or guardian. There are definitely some things we believe we wouldn't do or would do better if we happened to be in the shoes of our guardians or parents. These are the things we would want to know or hear from you this week and perhaps, what inspired those actions you would take.


Same rules, just a little addition and amendment. Let's make sure we follow the rules:

All posts should have a word count ranging from 300 to 500 words. Our curators will be reviewing the content, so we encourage everyone to make an effort to meet this requirement.

This activity will remain active starting from now until the final day of this payout. Thus, we strongly encourage all participants to submit their entries before the last day.

All members of the Hive Ghana community are invited to take part by writing on ONE or THREE topics, each focusing on a topic that excites them and they would like to write about. If you are submitting THREE entries be sure to post on separate days, not on the same day.

Also, let's all endeavor to visit others' posts and leave good comments

If you wish to participate in our weekly activity, please ensure that you subscribe to the Hive Ghana community.

In your post, kindly include the tags #Hiveghana and #Ghana to enhance its visibility and increase the chances of receiving post-curation. Please note that votes are not guaranteed.

Also, ensure that all your entries are creatively crafted, Please use your own images or photos. If you decide to utilize images from copyright-free sources, make sure to provide appropriate credit.. We eagerly anticipate receiving your entries and reading about what you must share.

You may join us on discord let's learn together.

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