Take Care of Your Mental Health: These Tips Can Help

Hey everyone! Today, let's talk about the issue of mental health that often gets overlooked but is just as important as physical health. This article has some tips that I think can help us take better care of our mental health.

First, we should start the practice of mindfulness and meditation to manage stress. Mindfulness and meditation are wonderful ways to deal with stress. A great way to start is to spend a few minutes of your time everyday exercising and meditating. It is possible to ‘buy’ an hour of relief with the help of an app, like Headspace or Calm, which offer micro-practices that can be incorporated into your everyday life.

Get Regular Exercise. It should be noted that exercise does not only benefit your physical well-being; it is also beneficial to your mind. So guys, whether it is a simple run in the morning, a yoga session, or a dance class, select an activity that gives you pleasure and practice it frequently.

Eating a balanced diet. Do you know that the way you eat influences your mood in a way? For me, I prioritize fresh fruits, vegetables, less red meats, fish, and whole grain products as they’re known to help with clear memory and a stable. Oh yes, we also need to keep our bodies adequately hydrated so make sure you drink water too!

Build communication with your beloved ones guys. Maintaining genuine friendships and interacting with the people you love can help get rid of any feeling of loneliness. Sometimes, all it takes is to give someone a call, or even invite them for a cup of tea or a drink to lighten up your mood.

Also, set realistic goals for yourself. Establishing realistic goals can help you in creating a goal-oriented approach to life and personal achievements. You should not be 18 years old from an average family in far away Africa and hope to be a manager in Silicon Valley at 24 years. What happens to aiming to be proficient in one tech skill or the other which can make that dream then thinkable? Since not everyone can fly, we should learn to crawl before we walk, walk before we run and run before we fly. This will help reduce anxiety and boost our confidence.


Guys, how well do you sleep? Do you know that lack of quality sleep has major negative impacts on one's mental health? You should aim to get between 7-9 hours of sleep every night. It will help you function to the best of your ability the following day. You can practice this by going to bed at a regular time and avoid using your electronic devices when it’s bedtime. Also, ensure that you create a comfortable sleeping environment to enhance your quality of sleep. I say this one from experience😂.

As funny as it may sound, too much alcohol messes with your mental health as much as it does your physical health. That is because alcohol can be a depressant and caffeine, in large quantities, can worsen anxiety and cause distraction. Moderation is key guys!

My next tip is to practice the art of gratitude. People think that they need to have everything in the world before they pat themselves on the back and say thank you to themselves for putting in the work. It should not be so. Be thankful guys, to yourself and to other people that make your life more meaningful. Perhaps start a gratitude journal and write 5 things you are grateful for on a daily basis. This habit can help move your attention from negatives to the positives of your life.

My last tip would be to engage in creative activities. This can come in handy when you are bored and are too fixated on negative and depressing thoughts. Activities like painting, writing, playing instruments or creating other forms of art can be helpful in cases like this.


Guys, there you have it. Maintaining your mental health is very important so it is essential that you do all you can to ensure that it is in a good state. It goes without saying that just like you will look after your body with proper diet and exercise routines, you need to develop practices that enhance your mental well being. Remember, your mind is part of your body like any other organ, therefore it needs some care as well. Thank you for reading.

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