Morning Run: Unleash the hounds

I just finished a 4.216km running that lasted about 0hh:26mm:7ss !


I wanted to fit in another run during my working week around Portsmouth, so I got up and out early today. I actually qualified for the Garmin Early Riser badge in their app. It was pretty dark out there. I had to be careful along the road as there is no footpath in places.

As I passed through the village of Northney I turned off into the track across the common that goes out to the coast. The path started wide, but was narrow in places between patches of gorse. I was not too quick today as I was finding my way and it takes a while to sort out my phone to take pictures. The water was like a mirror with some seabirds floating pot there and making some noise.

Coming back to the road I met some ladies with dogs. A large poodle came running up to me and barking. It nipped at my shorts and I did not realise at the time that it ripped a hole in them. I am sure this will amuse @dickturpin who seems obsessed with my 'Scottish' legs. No badgers were to be seen though.

I explored the village a little more before turning back, but it was quite a short run for me. It was getting a bit lighter by then.

I did get pretty warm despite it being cool out. I know I am not a super fast runner, but I do okay for someone of my age and I only get this quick through years of running several times each week. You have to put the effort in to achieve your goals. I am just not as special as some commenter seem to think. Maybe they think flattery will get them something.

I had a quick shower before a hearty buffet breakfast. I would not eat that much at home, but I had burned some calories.

Run free and stay well.



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