Morning Run: All things bright and beautiful

I expect the title will bring back memories for some of singing hymns at school or church. That is one I do remember. It is another lovely morning and I have the day off work, so I can run a bit later.

This was towards the end of the run. You may just be able to see some horses in the distance. Some were lying down and others were sheltering under the footbridge. There were also lots of geese around today.


I am fortunate to have some nice countryside on my doorstep. It has been a long time since I used the programmed workout feature of my Garmin watch and I decided to do a routine that a friend showed me of 800m sprints with 200m recovery. We did that on some farm tracks and I headed for the same place today. Despite the lack of rain it was a bit muddy in places.


I did most of my intervals in a loop around the pair of lakes, but they are screened by trees so I did not really see them. Some time I will go and take a closer look. For the last sprint I headed off uphill to take the long way home.


My pace was not too bad. I managed to stay under 5min/km for some of these, but I gradually got slower. I was walking between the sprints to recover.


I did get two personal records on Strava segments. I ran down the 'muddy hill' (across the middle of a field of crops) on one of my sprints and got good speed as it was all downhill. 'Arlesey gates' is a concrete path along the river. I had done my intervals by then, but decided to sprint it anyway to see what time I could get. It is always nice to see improvements.

These are all views from the highest point of the run. You can see it is fairly flat and that various crops are grown around here. The farm buildings are in the distance in the third with RAF Henlow on the right of that.

View south east

View north

View west

I took it easy on the last bit across the meadows and over the railway bridge as I was tired by then. I am volunteering at parkrun on Saturday, so I will not be running then. As I type this I am having some fresh coffee made with beans from @whiterosecoffee. They do a special Hive roast. I get the beans to grind myself for use with my Aeropress.


Run free and stay well.

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