Celebration Workout


Tomorrow is my daughter’s birthday. It’s also the second anniversary of her receiving the ultimate gift of life- a heart transplant. She was born with half of a heart, condition called HLHS, which required several open heart & catheter surgeries to try to rewire the right ventricle to do its job plus the job of the left ventricle (the main pump for the body). There’s good videos out there if interested. Children’s Hospital of Cincinnati and Boston had some great resources years ago when she was first diagnosed with it if you’re interested in perusing further, but I wanted to keep this short.

So this is a little workout I made a couple of years ago and do annually- to celebrate her birthday, her heartiversary, and remember her donor. We also will be releasing butterflies as well as a symbol of love and respect for the donor and their family making that difficult decision of organ donation during their time of grief and loss.

If you’re not an organ donor, please consider it. Give the gift of life. Give blood. Support your local children’s hospitals.

And if you need a workout, try to complete this one in under 20 minutes as written.

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