The song that makes you put in on repeat it's almost a sick obesssion


Hello everyone!

I've been on a...probably a weird obsession since I'm an adult and watching a child cartoon but I'm also a helpless romantic so I don't care for either.

I know that I might be writing in the wrong community but read me out, I need to give some background before showing the song lol

So I've been through a Miraculous LadyBug marathon 😳

*from Google

Basically, a couple of superheroes who can't reveal their identities and in their real lives they love each other and they don't know. And I'm like those people screaming at the screen that the clues are right there! lol

And looking for places to check if there were more seasons or episodes, I ended up into the Black Hole of Youtube in fanfiction! But I'm somehow happy that I got lost in the depths of fan fiction videos and songs so I could find this masterpiece:

I mean, I'm sure that it wasn't made just for this couple, but the person who adapted the animation to the song made it so right, or the best way to make the two reveal to each other and have their happy so many other fans are waiting for!

I demand a crowdfund to animate this animation even more!! lol

I got so inspired that I tried to design something..

bugaboo copy.png

A gentle reminder that the heroes are named Ladybug and Cat Noir 😋

My little monkey is almost on superheroes fase so I might get some content from it soon 🤣

Cheers for my guilty pleasure in cartoons!



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