Personal encounters with the Covid-19 virus that’s infected my poor Dad

Image by Eduardo RS from Pixabay

For the past few days, I have not been able to do much writing, reason was Covid and I did not even know about it.

For all these months of the spreading Covid season in India since March, I have mostly not been swept by covid fever wave personally.

And Covid-19 stikes like a lighting on unsuspecting Dad

Image by Syaibatul Hamdi from Pixabay

Me and my Dad tried to be as safe as possible from Covid. However, outside Covid is raging, increasing more than in any other country in the world. And finally, a week back when me and my Dad went grocery shopping, it entered my Dad, this great Chinese virus that’s now a global creature. And well, when Covid hits you, it almost seems like a nightmare scenario is playing front of you, especially if it affects an aged parent.

Mildish fever with wet occasional cough accompanied by low oxygen saturation levels

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Last Thursday, my Dad felt weak and he went to take rest. Friday, he said he had mild fever and wet cough, so got him crocin and cough syrup. He still had wet cough but said fever is gone and all.

Although I had a big concern on Sunday when I checked my Dad’s oxygen saturation levels through the pulse oximeter, it was below 95%. This was a big cause for concern, as it ranged on to 92% levels. So, why on earth was the oxygen saturation level so low?

Infact Saturday night itself it was low below 95% but I did not know what to make of it although Friday it was at good levels of about 97%.

Dad ‘s appetite was low, along with weakness all these said days.

Rapid Antigen test for Covid and results

Image by Shafin Al Asad Protic from Pixabay

Monday, doctors recommended him to get tested for Covid, although my Dad felt this was just flu and cough not covid. By now, he was under immense pressure to get a covid test done soon by his friends at the flat, after all my Dad is 73 years old, diabetic person.

Next day, he got a nasal swap sample test, I guess its called Rapid Antigen test (RAT)and he tested positive. I was the one to collect this awful news, and was told to go home with Dad and be in quarantine. Suddenly, this fearful possibility became a reality, I was confused on the course of action to take.

Even though oxygen saturation levels were low, Dad looked kind of fine

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And yesterday, after the test, I again tested my Dad’s oxygen saturation levels using the pulse oximeter and it was lower than even 90%, although he was fine as he was able to walk, and do normal activities, just that he was mildly sick like you expect some one who is suffering a common cough.

Course of action had to be hospitalization, the sooner the better

Meanwhile, there was pressure from his flat friends to get admitted in a hospital right away but my Dad was clear that he won’t get admitted in a private hospital that costs 4-5 lakhs. We then got a call from Karnataka Government’s Covid Disaster control cell team to get him admitted in hospital, ambulance service is free, plus Government hospital admission can be arranged, which will be free or charges will be at very reasonable rates.

And finally, Dad somehow was able to get admitted to a good hospital for treatment

Image by Memed_Nurrohmad from Pixabay

Luckily, in my flat there is a volunteer who coordinates with the Government’s Covid Disaster Management Control cell. She informed us that the Government hospitals provide good treatment for Covid and my dad should just go and get admitted as he would definitely get required medical attention there. She even coordinated and arranged a good Government hospital, St Martha’s for Dad’s Covid treatment and care. Then, the ambulance came, Dad packed his bag and he left on his own to get admitted in the hospital, while I am in quarantine.

Something, that reassured me was the call back from the ambulance driver, who told me he dropped Dad safely to the hospital. Just shows that people are still courteous, he provably felt a sense of duty and concern for Dad’s well being with Dad being a senior Citizen getting admitted by himself.

Immediate medical treatment and testing was carried out on Dad

I was intimated by Dad that the hospital he got admitted to, St Martha’s hospital, is well kept and maintained. They took charge immediately on Dad’s treatment by conducting tests on him yesterday.

Confirmed reason for Dad’s low oxygen saturation levels was the Covid-19 virus!!

Today, I was informed that the reason my Dad’s oxygen saturation levels being low was because Covid caused some flum to enter my Dad’s chest and lungs. So, that virus’s flum has saturated his chest and liver that was visible in the x-rays.

Even though my Dad was not suffering breathlessness, his body was not getting enough oxygen from his lungs, possibly if his admission was delayed much further, breathlessness was a possibility, I gather.

Getting cured from the Corona caused flum

Now, my Dad is supplied oxygen and been put on antibiotic medications to cure that damn Carona caused flum. Since my Dad has had a heart problem in the past , years ago , and is also over 70 years of age, the doctor did not put him on antiviral injections as it could have side effects. She has also recommended some exercises for him to do meanwhile, although his recovery from that flum would take time.

Primary contact ;i.e, me have absolutely ZERO symptoms of the virus

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Personally, I have no symptoms of Covid, but am under quarantine. Everyone insists that I may be an asymptomatic carrier of the virus, but of course I feel covid has not possessed me yet. I may have had other close encounters with this virus when I entered a containment zone by mistake months back when I went to purchase my laptop battery at SP road in my City.

I may share that experience later, but I did not catch that virus, which I feel is because I am generally damn careful, in keeping required safe distance, wearing masks and sanitizing my hands regularly at the occasions whenever I am outside.

What I understand from this whole episode is this -:

Alright guys, so if your oxygen saturation level suddenly declines while you suffer from weakness, mildish to disappearing fever and wet cough, then beware you may have covid. Do get tested if it lasts for more than 3 to 4 days, please don’t delay, especially if the affected person is a senior person, please don’t take risk is my advise. Get tested and do get the much required medical attention.

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