The future is today: First flying car authorized to go on the road.

Hello dear friends, we can definitely affirm that the future is already present between us; It is that the technological developments that were dreamed of several years ago are already among us demanding their place in history. A few days ago I wrote an article reviewing Hyundai's flying car project, today this prototype that has already received permission to travel on the road.



I think that governments, together with private companies, must work quickly to adapt the laws and the necessary infrastructure to welcome and regulate the use of this new generation of transport, from electric cars, autonomous cars and flying cars.

PAL-V Liberty

The PAL-V Liberty is a three-wheeled flying car developed in the Netherlands, which has been authorized to travel on roads by the European motor vehicle regulator.

It is a vehicle made of titanium, aluminum and carbon fiber, it has a 230 hp four-cylinder engine, it has capacity for two seats and its weight is 680 kilograms, it uses a system similar to that of a motorcycle with a pedal that it must press down, both on the ground and in the air.

The price of the vehicle is $ 348,000, which makes it a vehicle that is not accessible to most, but even with this price, the developer has already received 80 orders and they plan to produce it in series by 2022.

In addition to all this, this flying car needs a 160-meter runway to land and flew for the first time in 2012.

For some of us it is perhaps difficult to imagine our cities with skies full of all kinds of flying vehicles in the near future, however, this seems to be a reality closer and closer to us, and scenarios that were previously only possible in movies of fiction are present in our lives today.

Thanks for reading, let me know your opinion!

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