Hyundai will launch its first flying cars.

Hi friends, when it comes to technology innovation and supremacy in any technology market, companies are always willing to bet high to win the prized accolade of being the first and most successful product launch.



The last few years we have witnessed important advances in the automotive field: Electric cars, autonomous cars that do not need drivers until I get to the review that I bring you next about flying cars.

Hyundai's bet

The South Korean auto company is working fast to launch a line of flying cars later this decade.

The series announced for 2028 will be destined firstly for urban and inter-city transport, seeking to guarantee better mobility among transport users.

As announced by Jaiwon Shin, the company is working on two different models of vehicles, one of 5 or 6 passengers for urban transport and the second larger one that will be used for transport between cities.

"People who are always stuck in traffic jams will understand how convenient it is to travel in air vehicles" "that's when we will see an explosion in demand"
Jaiwon Shin explained

Right now there are some important aspects in which the company works, such as reducing cost, noise and the issue of safety that is a priority. In hyundai they do not rule out the launch of other similar vehicles by other companies, they are waiting for a better infrastructure so they added the following:

"We don't want to be the first in the market, we want to be the first to have the right product"

For the automotive industry, this advance literally represents a sky-high leap. What remains to be seen is the cost of a vehicle with this characteristics, the safety and the group of people who will have access to it.

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