The Chanakya a great leader too

Chanakya is the name which is much enough for google search engine to elaborate about him, however i have seen many TV serials and episodes and also i have read a lot quotes which is said by The Chanakya therefore i am choosing this man as a great leader. Dear @awah has announced a writing contest for all hive users where we have to tell about a great leader with reasons.

Little about the great Chanakya.
The great man has touch the earth on 375 BC in India asKautilya the name which was given by his father and mother but later on his name got changed as Vishnugupta and Chanakya. He was belonging from a simple family but after getting education he became teacher,economist then became a philosopher then became an adviser of the Royal. He was a great Jurist too. He has solution for all problems. He has all required talent whatever need to become a great leader.

How he is popular as a great leader too?
One day he was in a court of a King Dhananda a king of Patliputra India. He was there with his teacher and classmate. The king was asking questions about anything and king was expecting answer as he thinks but the Chanakya was the person who doesn't have any fear to tell the truth about anything. When king ask question neither the Chanakya's teacher nor classmates were ready to answer that question but then Chanakya decided to give answer and he gave but king got angry and told his soldiers to throw out him catching his hair. After this horrible activity the Chanakya told him that i will get you down from your seat it is my hard promise and till then i will not tie my braid.

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After some years later he has selected a boy from a place known as Magadh and decided to use him to destroy the king of Magadh who has hurted him in court. The name of boy was Chandragupta. The Chanakya gave him all required education so that he can beat the present king and it was only Chanakya's determination and Chandragupta's hard labor who ruined the king later on and The Chandragupta became the king of Magadh and The Chanakya became the adviser of Royal.

Why i selected Chanankya as great leader? Reason behind it is that he had all required quality whatever should be in a leader. Can you think a teacher ruined a present king wihtout any proper plan? It is possible that both Chanakya and Chandragupta had surely faced lots of difficulties to grab the target but due to the super leadership both were gotten the success.
A true leadership means who can recognize his co-workers strenght, a true leadership means who takes first step in solving any issues, a true leadership means who never feared about failure.
The italic sentences whatever i have written just above has been told by the great Chanakya in that time. There are thousands such sentence or quotes of him which was follows by many many people in their life or company to grab the success.

Now your turn please tell me was he a great leader or not?

Thamks for reading!!

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