LMAC Contest #98 - Halorium


There is a portal hidden in every aquarium where the fishes fed by the tranquility from their ancestors. The past is remembered as glimpses of visual echoes in the vast of halo space. And the fish that can call The Aurelia, is now able to fill the void of the memory, with a gifted sense of halovarium.

Yes, long live abstraction! I love this. I dont know where the words come from, but they just appear on the screen. By the way, please forgive me if the sequence of these words is not really a rational or readable one.

Hello here, in another post for the LMAC contest. To be exact, this is for LMAC contest #98. The background for this collage started by rotating the original picture and masking the dark part. Since I enjoyed the colors of the original image, I decided to compelement it with a colorful space photo. Then I thought what is special about the fishes? And then remembered the memory deficiency of them (As we joke about it, I dont know if it is a real thing about these species on the aquarium).

For me one of the connotation of space is the memories. Then I wanted to combine the two ideas. Memory of the fish and the past. I needed a bridge in between. Because of their transparent appearence I picked a jellyfish picture.

Finally, I had to answer the question: “What is in the past?” And the answer was quick: “Ancestors!”. Then I found the beatiful fish image on LMAC Gallery by @cetb2008. It was a great match for ancestors…

As a result, I am sharing the result for your liking! Hope you enjoyed…

Public domain resources:

1. Base image by @shaka

2. Fish by @cetb2008

3. Image on Pixabay by geralt

4. Image on Pixabay by EddieKphoto

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