My2020: This is what makes love beautiful

When all humans think about the purpose of life, they might say religious, spiritual reasons, or maybe they will tell you that it is useless.


I think love is the thing that puts magic into our lives, it is the thing that makes life extraordinary.
There is nothing really like that, something that can make you feel so strong, but also very vulnerable. You can feel on top of the world or you can feel like someone really tore your heart, nothing is stronger.
This can help you achieve greatness, and that can also cause you to lose everything.

That's what love does, it's something that makes you happy. We all believe, especially in today's society, that other things are more important: independence, career, friendship, family, having fun. It is all important, but it becomes important if all of it is based on love.


Even if you are lucky enough to fall in love with the right person, who I consider very lucky in the sense that it has happened to me more than once, it can still end. Every time it was one of the best things in my life, but because they ended, it was also the worst time - and that was part of the neglect of love.

You would think I would be cynical and shut down, but I would never do it. I prefer to continue to be destroyed because I know that it is very valuable. Therefore building everything with love is very important.
For relationships, and love to develop, you must be open, gut, and vulnerable. there are many people who can't do that. they try to protect themselves, try to protect themselves because they are not sure. unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you look at it, life is uncertain all the time. Today is the goal, yesterday is a memory, and tomorrow is a dream.
This can all change in seconds.


That doesn't mean you have to cover yourself or go out of your way to protect yourself. To be brave means to keep doing things like this the first time, without cynicism, even if you are afraid. You will be destroyed sometimes, but for me it is always valuable and it is something that I will never change - and what is unchanging love,and is my love today.
Just like anything in life that you like, you have to throw yourself to love by leaving. That's what makes love beautiful.

I Love❤steem
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Lhokseumawe, Feb/6/2020

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