Drone VS Drone - Short Story

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A crowd of over 20,000 men and women chanted Ryan Green's name. He waved with his left hand. The controller is in his right. On the other side of the stadium, his opponent, a young man name Victor kept focused.

Ryan put his headphones on. His strategist was on the other end. She sat with his defence team.

"Can you me hear me Ryan."


"Your team studied your opponent's moves all night and has prepared a strong defense. They are going with two grid walls and a seeker to start."

"You know I trust you guys. What should I expect from them?"

"Um..." There was a pause. "We got nothing."

Ryan hit a button on his remote. The drone went into autopilot. The crowd yelled as it did a circle in introduction.

"What do you mean you have nothing?" Ryan said.

"His defence is different every time. Invisible tracers, blockers, grids, there is no rhyme or reason why he picks what he does."

"Well it seems to be working for him, he is number 2."

A beep sounded above the stadium. The match was about to start.

"You got this," his strategist said with a shaky voice.

Ryan exhaled. He pushed a button on his controller. Auto-pilot off. The drone dipped a bit before being set back on course.

"3... 2... 1..."

The sound of a loud beep filled the stadium. The crowd went wild. Ryan's drone flew past his opponents. He would have to trust them. He would have to focus.

A red light went off. Ryan tripped a tracer.

"Shit!" he exclaimed.

A tiny black drone came out from the ground. It was the shape of a bee with a magnet for a nose.

"You know what happens if that attaches."

"Don't suck is not a helping strategy," Ryan replied.

He moved his drone left. Right. The tiny-drone followed.

"I can't shake him."

A full laser wall popped in front of his drone.

"Do a barrel roll!" his strategist yelled.

Ryan pushed the left stick up. His drone did a loop in the air. The tiny-drone didn't move it time. It shattered in the laser grid.

"Good job Ryan."

Ryan moved his drone right when it finished his loop to avoid the laser wall. The circle was in front of him. All he had to do was fly in it for the win. A grid came up, Ryan found an opening. A second grid. Ryan weaved through that one as well.

The match was almost over. But then something popped up to block the hole.

"A floater..." he whispered.

A sphere with a compulsion jet underneath blocked his path. It had a long, thin neck that went upward and a head that was a large eye. Ryan moved his drone to the left, just in time to dodge a laser that was shot at it. The eye of the floater charged again.

"You only have one option," his strategist said.

The second shot skimmed the side of the drone. Ryan looped his drone around. Then he held down the button for the accelerate. His drone picked up speed. A third laser flew at it. A miss. A fourth. Ryan dodged it last second. He turned the blade of the drone. It pierced right through the neck of the floater. Decapitation.

With another quick maneuver, Ryan straightened his drone and directed it through the hole.

The crowd went wild.


This story was made using FOUR words from a random word generator.






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