The power of Drops - A Greatness Lesson I learnt from my broken tap - Investment, Life projects...

Truly, Zig Ziglar has always been a motivation with his timeless quotes that cut across all faucets of life, business, faith, relationship, etc. Yesterday I saw this quote on Facebook and I immediately got inspired to pen this blog for investors.

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

The above post reminds me of the popular saying that Rome was not built in a day. Also, in my knowledge and experience in environmental studies, I have understood th power of raindrops. Rain drops may look tiny in the now but they have a great potential to change the moisture state of a location when other factors are enhancing.

Something happened in my lodge a few hours back . My roommate mistakenly broke the tap handle in the bathroom and decided to improvise the stopcork with a little stick because it was night already and we couldn't engage the services of a plumber. The stick helped to hold the water at least allowing drops as tiny as 2cm and dropping each per second.

Shockingly, while using the bathroom at night, I discovered that the bucket of about 15litres capacity was already full to the brim and the water wasting away. While looking at the scenario, I got more push to finish up this post that I had started earlier. Such is the power of drops.

Every step we take in life has the power to affect our grand reach in the near future. Each little choice we make matters, each step is important and they all compound to give a cummulative effect at the end of it all.

While applying Ziglar's quote to investment, I discovered that not everyone do have the capacity to gat a huge project executed in a day or short while, however, anyone who determines would get to a great height irrespective of how he starts. The determination is crucial to catalysing the needed decisions and choices towards reaching a goal.

Within my two years journey on steem blockchain, I've always wondered how some users became whales with very huge stakes quite enough in Naira (Nigerian currency) to pay salaries if 100 staffers of a ministry in a year. You got me right. Our Fiat is quite terrible in value and the leaders are happy about it.

I wonder how many years of work it took for them to make such Investments and yet I remembered that steem is just four years. Some whales with over 2 million steem stakes were able to get that achieved in days. However, that's not enough reasons to deter another person who doesn't have that capacity to start off with a small investment.

Infact, one can accumulate a huge stake with a consistent tiny daily powerups. It all boils down to determination and the drive within to reach a set goal. Monthly events like Steem's #spud engineered by @streetstyle can be a great way to start off building steem power towards the whaleship mark. My investment experience in the SPORTS, DBLOG and MARLIANS tribes are great examples. I might not be a steem whale but I have whale shares in the #sportstalk tribe with over 3 million SPORTS power.

Today marks a new beginning. Let March 1 be a reference point for you who ever worried how to reach a great future. Start now! The efforts maybe tiny in the now but when compounded over time can surge a great effect.

Happy New month and happy #SPUD11 day.

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