Mistakes I made that cost me my growth on hive.

Have you ever asked yourself these questions on why your posts aren't getting enough turn up

What am I doing wrong?
Are they better than me?
Am I invisible?
Am I even welcome in the community?

Well the answer is mistake

We all make mistakes in life one way or another and once such mistake is done, we have no choice but to pay for it. Today’s post is majorly going to talk about some silly but major mistakes that we find ourselves making on a daily bases that costs us on hive. Let’s check it out then;


Below are 9 Mistakes That Are Common On Hive

  • Begging for Audience on Posts.

Asking others to check out your posts is a good method of post promotion especially if one is confident that the write up is exceptional, but constantly disturbing them is what is wrong. If you constantly ask a particular set of people to view your post every time, they will eventually get tired and quit responding to your messages.
Instead of planning ways to spam people with your post links, why don’t you just sit down and plan a well written post it in the right community and I can assure you that the right audience will see it.

  • Voting Only On Top Trending Posts.

I also found myself doing this until I discovered the advantages and effects of voting especially with a low HP.

It is good to check out trending posts but don’t fully concentrate solely on them because we are just newbies and hardly get noticed until we have built ourselves. Instead of waiting for a whale to notice you, why don’t you just go through your feed and check out quality posts from new or upcoming authors, interact with them well and build a relationship so that you guys can grow together.

Vote and comment on posts not because you want to get their attention but because you like what you read and want to let them know. That way, you get less disappointed.

  • Concentrating On Just the Earning Part And Not The Investing Part.

Yes, hive is mostly about earning but don’t forget that if you continue to milk a cow without feeding it properly, it will eventually loose it’s value. I’m not saying that hive.blog will die down anytime soon but what I’m saying is that we should try and give back to the community (most times, it’s not what the community can do for you, what can you also do for the community?). Build your HP buy more don’t power down, think of something you can start that will benefit the community because at the long run, you will also be a benefactor.

Kudos to all those thinking of new initiatives. Kudos to all witnesses.

  • Not Engaging in The Community.

Hive.blog is mostly about bringing everyone around the world together, so the essence of interacting with others cannot be over emphasized. Hive is not just a crypto but a community and a community is more or less like a family. Interacting with people in the community is one of the most important and vital activity. You can post and promote but without building a relationship with others, you won’t have a stable audience.

You can do all that by upvoting quality contents and leaving reasonable comments behind. @ocd, @appreciator amongst others are doing an awesome work on that challenging people to interact with others on the platform.

A friend of mine @starstrings01 even dropped an update recently that he won’t curate any post where the user doesn’t engage on others post.

Also while chatting with @whatamidoing / @selfhelp4trolls , he also emphasized on that engagement. Meaning engagement is a vital key to growth in the community. It might not be easy, but it’s worth it.

  • Not Utilizing Discord channels.

Still on the engagement part, another way you can meet people and relate well with them apart from their posts is through discord. Most if not all communities have a discord channel where they discuss, drop updates and potential are found there. Most of the posts I drop here are from what I learnt chatting with people on discord.

I also had the opportunity to join @hivenaija in a live session and we discussed about taking ideas all from discord.

So guys, utilize that platform it’s also important.

  • Not Being genuine

The community is not only to make money but also to build yourself and discover your hidden talent. Don’t just pick something off the internet and drop it. Explore different things and ideas, you will be surprised at what you have to offer. I found my love for photography when @k-banti and I participates in contests on photography. So build yourself and be genuine. I didn’t know I couldn’t create contents until I joined hive. Next would be my video editing skills.

  • Lack of Effort

Laziness has no space in the community, so if you are lazy you better shake off that laziness or better still quit. The title, pictures and first paragraph are what attracts people to continue reading your blog. If any of those three is of less quality, then your post would just be one of those that are being washed off and ignored.
As long as the cover of a book is catchy, everyone would want to read the inside of the book. So concentrate on those three and you would be amazed at the end.

P.S Don’t make them nice and the entire write up will be trash ooo.

Just make them catchy so that people will read the rest.

  • Lack of Patience

Patience as they say is the greatest virtue. It is in a popular saying that a patient dog eats the fattest bone. Patience is what it takes to grow. Rome was not built in a day.

Those people we call whales now currently paid the price back then. So don’t envy but aspire to acquire.

  • Not Using the Right Tags or Posting in The Right Community.

Tags are used to help navigate people to what they are searching for in the system. So with the right and appropriate tags, you can actually get the right audience.


Posting in a community is kind of like same thing but on a larger scale. Meaning, I can just decide I want to read about food and I go to foodies on hive community and navigate my way through all the posts in that community. There are so many communities here in hive all depending on what you wish to post about. If you post in a wrong community, it will definitely be overlooked by the community members.

I hope this is helpful all struggling to get an audience in hive. Feel free to ask your questions and I will relate them to my bosses since I’m also a newbie.

Check out some of the tips @whatamidoing gave me. He is one of the few people I run to for advice on the platform. Feel free to join the cross culture discord


Till my next post,
Keep buzzing 🐝🐝🐝
I still remain Trojan

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