Travelgirl Supporting Lifeline’s Book Fair

Hi Everyone,

Recently Daddy E and I have been into books (mainly Daddy E) and he has been buying a lot of books from Amazon. Our friend suggested checking out the Vinnies, Red Cross and Lifelines around our area and to our surprise, we actually found many great quality books at low prices (many of them are brand new!). This has got us going around to many shops these last weekend and we attended the first Lifeline Book Fair at Chatswood today. All proceeds go to Lifeline which helps the homeless and needy people in Australia.

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Located at The Concourse in the middle of Chatswood, we found the book fair easily. We couldn’t wait to go inside as it was 38 degrees outdoors which was so unbearable. Right at the door, you can find your favourite genre of books and go to that specific section. Books range from 20c to $2 if you find a sticker or if there isn’t a sticker, go by the price written on the first page of the book. They are mostly $3-$5 depending on the quality. We arrived at around 11am and it was packed! The place was full of people so Daddy E and I go straight into it.


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There were all sorts of books. I first went to find the Asian section which only had a few Chinese books that were interesting. I then moved onto biography and life/parenting which took most of my time there. Daddy E was into economics, health/wellbeing, biography and some history. Other books I did quickly check out were the young adult section as I would love to find something I used to read back in primary/high school. I found the book variety was a bit of a disappointment as I guess we did go there later as they started at 8am no the day.




We ended up spending $58 with two huge bags of books. A tip is to bring your own bag and if you intend to buy a lot, bring your own trolley like some people. It was a great move as you want to have something to hold your books while you search for more on the table. The next one is in April at Thornleigh so I will probably be able to go to that one after I come back from Korea!

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animation by @catwomanteresa

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