Hi everyone, have a nice day.
I'm glad to chat and share my enjoyable experience with all of you.
One of the poetic and tranquil tourist attractions I want to share today is Dalat.



Dalat is known as " Le petit Paris ", it means a miniature Paris. The French likened this land to a little Paris because of its temperate climate, completely different from most other areas in Vietnam - a country with tropical monsoon climate. A feature you can find in Dalat is buidings that are mixture of French and Vietnamese architecture.


In the period of French colonial rule, realizing the great potential of Dalat, the French government made many expeditions to reclaim and enlarge it. Then they proceeded to urban planning and turned Dalat into the first garden city in the world. Doctor Alexandre Yersin had the greatest merit in discovering Dalat. His expeditions were an important contact with the Lang Biang Plateau. Opening the way to build and develop this green city.



Travel tips are nothing at all. Keeping going is all the things you need to do. I love the feeling of freedom here - a place away from the hustle and bustle of life. Trust me, your soul will be refreshed. I had wonderful and memorable experiences here. There are some unique places that I 'discovered'. If you have a chance, come to Dalat. You will always be welcome here.
Cloud View Glamping & Camping
There are many places to hunt clouds in Dalat. But I would like to recommend you this place. I knew it accidentally. You can come here early in the morning - when the dawn grows, you will see the clouds, let's try to choose a seat with the perfect view. The vibrant color of clouds with radiant sunshine, I make sure that's a mesmerizing sight. The second option, you can rent a tent to stay in overnight and hunt for clouds the next day.


Lung Chung Coffee
You can go to any coffee shop in Dalat and appreciate coffee there. They mostly design coffee shops with vintage style and close to nature. It is easy to see coffee shops with the dominant material being wood. I love chatting and savoring coffee in Dalat. A cup of hot coffee with some cakes or tea, in the cold weather of the mountainous region, makes me feel very comfortable. If you are a person who has a passion for enjoying coffee, Arabica coffee will satisfy you. It is a line of coffee grown on farms in Dalat. Starbucks recognized Arabica coffee as one of the seven best coffees in the world.


Datanla Waterfall
There are many explanations for the true meaning of the name Datanla. They believe this name comes from the K'Ho language, which means water under the leaves. The implication is that under the green trees, there is a beautiful small lake created by the waterfall. Datanla is a large waterfall located in the Datanla ecotourism destination. The main attraction for tourists coming here is its natural beauty. There are also many adventure games such as canyoning, high rope course, alpine coaster and zipline that will get you exciting.

Hope you will have great experiences in the future
Thanks for reading

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