Hello Hivers! Just a climbing vegan gamer here saying Hello!

Hello Hivers! I'm SizzlinKola, but I actually don't like Coca-Cola. 😅

I got the name from a random username generator I used when I was a kid. I had no creativity back then so why not let a robot decide for me?

Anyways, I'm a complete noob to Hive and cryptocurrency. I stumbled upon Hive as I wanted to dabble more into writing/blogging. My very first post was 4 months ago, a short fiction story.

But I didn't see anyone comment or give me votes after the next day, so I thought this whole HIVE thing was a scam. Felt discouraged and didn't come back for awhile.

That was until I came back a couple days ago and saw @lovesniper's / @indayclara's comment on my story. She gave a ton of great resources to get better acquainted with Hive and recommended I make an introduction post.

So, here I am climbing up a 900 ft of rock!

🧗 I'm an avid rock climber.

Are your palms sweaty yet?

I've been climbing for 5 years. I first started at a bouldering gym and was scared of heights (ironic huh?). After my first visit, I bought a pair of shoes and I've been addicted ever since.

Here's a couple action shots of me climbing and having the time of my life. There's nothing like getting up high up on a wall and staring at the beautiful landscape around you.

🌲 I'm a nature lover.

While I love climbing, it's an extension of my love for the outdoors. I love to go hiking and camping. There's nothing like breathing crisp air high in the mountains and gazing upon an expansive panoramas. For me, it's refreshing and soothes my soul.

✈️ I'm a wanderluster.

Ever since I met my wonderful partner 7 years ago, she infected me with her wanderlust.

Some of my favorite destinations are:

  • Ireland
  • Spain
  • Costa Rica
  • Puerto Rico

🎮 I'm a gaming nerd.

I've been gaming ever since I was a toddler. The first game I remember playing is Mortal Kombat (violent as sh*t, why did my parents let me play it?!).

My brother owned consoles that he let me play as I grew up. He also built me a PC that I completely trashed after watching too much porn on it as a horny teenager.

Nowadays, I'm a pure PC gamer and love story-driven games. I tend to lean towards games that evoke emotion with me and make my heart stir. Games that leave me in awe when the credits roll by. Lately, it's been a lot of JRPGs.

Some of my favorites in the past couple years have been:

  • Nier Automata and Replicant
  • Persona series
  • Bioshock: Infinite
  • Trails series
  • Outer Wilds
  • Life is Strange
  • Red Dead Redemption 2

🥕I'm a vegan foodie.

I love trying out new vegan places to see how creative and delicious vegan food can be.

I've been vegan for 1.5 years now and it's been amazing. I went vegan because I wanted to help reduce animal suffering. I believe that we shouldn't slaughter and eat intelligent beings that are capable of emotion and pain.

I recently went to an animal sanctuary that has rescued farm animals and I came out feeling warm after seeing how I've helped them life a cozy life.

I'm so grateful that veganism has exploded since the pandemic and there are many options for me in my city. I've had some absolutely spectacular food that has not made me miss meat or fish at all.

🐝 I'm a Hive noob.

I'm hoping to share my passions and interests with everyone here, making some friends along the way! Whether it's one of my rock adventures, a game that I long to write about or some delicious vegan food I just tried.

Thank you for making it this far and appreciate the read! Hope you have a wonderful, blessed day. See ya around. 👋

#gaming #vegan #foodie #climbing #outdoors #travel #introduceyourself

All photos are mine.

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