Portugal - São Paio Beach


It's an Oceanic Beach located on the coast of Portugal ( Iberian Peninsula ) in the municipality of Vila do Conde, bathed by the Atlantic Ocean.

São Paio Beach, also known as Moreiró Beach, has a small beach. The rock formations immersed in the North and South areas, make its center the favorite place for bathing trips.



This place is of great beauty that preserves a peaceful environment, being very popular with families during the bathing season. The northern half of the beach, with an extensive sand, contrasts with the southern part, limited by a rocky area that offers some dangers for bathers.



This Beach would have everything needed to be secret: the location in a rural area and the winding access through narrow streets. The problem is that those who know her quickly fall in love and never want anything else. At the weekend it is popular, also because of the bar, where fresh products are served. To make the moment even more relaxing, there are tents, umbrellas, windshields and chairs for rent. And it's all beautiful, in shades of blue and white.



The water in this area is not very hot, but over time it is always worth taking a dip in the water, which is a bit chilled to refresh your body and soul.

It is a beach in the north of Portugal, where they often say that it has a lot of wind, but this beach has a particularity that is its rocks that protect bathers from strong winds.


This bar has a magnificent view and very good smoothies. Enjoying the view in a relaxed way while drinking a natural shake is magnificent.



S.Paio Chapel

The locality take its name from the St. Paio Chapel, which was probably built during the Middle Ages, to Christianise a place already revered by the ancients, St. Pelayo (Paio abbreviates) was a nephew of Hermogius, then bishop of Porto. He became prisoner to the Caliph Abd-al-Rahman III in the battle of Vale Junquera on 26th July 920, and died as a martyr in Cordoba three years latter. His body was supposedly chopped up with some parts being sent back to Portucale (the northen area of today's Portugal) by sea. The saint became immediately popular and his festivity is still celebrated annually on the first Sunday of July.

Recorded existence of small chapel goes back to 1623. Its façade dates to 1885 but it was in fact built in a revivalist of 17th century architecture. The chapel was rebuilt in 1970's and in a very symbolic gesture the locals had the altar made from an ocean stone.


This beach is close to Porto, so if you come to visit Portugal and are in the city of Porto don't forget this place.

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