My Quarantine Story: Enclosed in Solid Walls!


looking helpless and enclosed in brick walls...

Not in my wildest imaginations would I have thought the whole world could come to a halt uniformly, voluntarily or involuntarily, every one has been confined into a spot whether Bricks, woods or glasses. Its somewhat depressing to be helpless about a situation knowing fully well its not just you but about 7 Billion more people are in the same shoes. Thankfully, we can talk about it and socialize using the Hive Chain while practising social distancing. Big ups to @theycallmedan, for another opportunity called the Quarantinelife initiative, to keep body and soul together, sharing the story of our compulsory and impromptu confinement in our homes to slow down the spread rate of the virus across the globe as humanity battles for survival.

What is your coronavirus story; how has it affected you? (your life, financially, health or otherwise)

To start with, this seems like one of the darkest days of my life as an adult, apart from the day my mom died. As freelance Engineer and a Hauler, been confined inside the concrete walls of my apartment means no job and no income, it also means limited opportunity and probably starvation. Because, no food for lazy man is what they say, now a man that's not lazy but couldn't go out to work is doomed for hunger. Furthermore, not knowing how long this could last is depressing. I mean the very thought of been locked up for more than a month is a detriment to ones mental health. Not just entrepreneurs in this case but salary earners too face the same problem. Most firms laid off a huge chunk of their work force and others put in place a no work no pay policy. I try to put myself in these people's shoes each time I consider the full ramification of the pandemic on my finance and my state of mind.

Have you or someone you know been effected with the coronavirus, how are they now, what was it like for them?

Truth is, I haven't been tested and for all I know I could be one of the asymptotic cases, secondly I'm not showing any signs of been infected because I have been practising social distancing even before the second reported case in my country. Unfortunately, not much could be said of my families and friend scattered all over the world. From my families and relatives side, seems everyone is fine and I hoped it continued to be so. But I have a friend in Germany who's Father and mother-in-law has been infected, he told me one of his uncle got the virus too and I can't help but imagine the sense of fear and uncertainty in that family. I tried reaching out daily to catch updates and to know if their conditions is improving and to know his family's state of mind, it's the little I could do as I have fears for myself and my families too since nobody knows when the last breath would come to those that has been infected.

Have you used this time to strengthen bonds with loved ones, do you feel you'll come out of this a better person?

Before this global chaos, I have drifted away from my extended family since my mom passed, I grew up not bonding with most of them except a few so its hard to try to mingle with a "stranger" as I often refer to most of them. But to the few ones I grew up knowing, this seems like the best time to talk and relish memories because nobody knows who's going next. We talked daily, especially my mom's immediate younger siblings, twins: a man and a woman. They are my favorite uncle and aunt and it would suck if anything happens to them and I didn't get to share final moments with them. Scary thoughts I know, but it seems our worst fears are coming to life and we are all helpless about it. My own siblings, we talk daily checking up on each other assuring ourselves everything will be fine. The love, bond and fellowship is the only weapon we got right from childhood to adulthood and I hoped these bond remains sealed even till we overcome these trying times.

Do you have any photos/videos to share of where you're hunkering down? Show us how you spend your 24 hours as a prisoner

The image above is of me, there is a form of restlessness in my eyes if you look closely, I'm not used to staying in one place but look at me now: confined to a spot a whole day or maybe months as things are going. I haven't been taken much picture cos it didn't really occur to me, but I took that as I was pondering about this life and the present state of the universe. Aliens could be mocking us right now for all I know, looking at how helpless we have become to mere microorganisms!

If you haven't been practicing social distancing, why, & what's the world like out there by you?

Due to the nature of my hustle, cos I get exposed to a lot of crowd when I have deliveries for big super malls and warehouses; I have stopped working since last week of February 2020. I mean I have been following the news of the virus from Wuhan and I could predict the looming danger ones it gets to my country. Reason is, the Chinese have a strong ground in my Nation and they come in mass daily and weekly. My Government as crooked and corrupt as they are seems to lack impulses and with a zero proactive measures so I knew a shitstorm is about to hit the country hard so I have been avoiding crowded places way before a semi-martial law was put in place in my city.

The armed forces have been deployed to enforce a total lockdown right here in the city where I reside. Sadly, the brutality of these soldiers is much worse than getting the virus itself because form the few video clips I have seen, I knew we are in for one of the toughest days of our lives since the days of Military and Dictatorship Regime.

It feels like the end of days out there as the city full of life is now like a ghost town somewhat, where the over 70million(undocumented figure) inhabitants of Lagos are hiding still remains a mystery. If that's the price we all have to pay to curb this viral spread, I think we shall continue to pay to live yet another day!

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