Introduce Yourself - A Drum & Bass Music Producer/DJ, Travel Blogger and Absolute Legends

Introduce Yourself  Nicky Havey.jpg
Strap yourselves in, it's time for an adventure

What's Up 😎

So I saw a lot of these "introduceyourself" posts pop up again soon after Hard Fork 23 happened - might have been an initiative I missed but I was a little bit surprised to see them again purely because I already knew everyone from Steem (oh sh*t I said it 🤦‍♂) and was like... errrr... "Hi, again?"

Having said that, I did find some things out about people I had been following and interacted with on HF 22 sites so maybe it wasn't such a bad idea after all. Now it's my turn mwahaha 😈

Quick Persona Check 🙃

  • My name is Nick but everyone calls me Nicky, or Havey (said Havvy, as in "tech-savvy")
  • Completed a hellish PhD in 2014 in Materials Science (6 years, should have been 3.5)
  • Traveled around the world sporadically since then to make up for lost time!
  • I run and hike a lot (done 5 marathons and UK 3 Peaks Challenge)
  • Been playing around with music since 1996 - lover of Liquid Drum & Bass and Trance music
  • Play PC Games in my free time to unwind - Counter Strike & Crash Bandicoot at the moment
  • I'm in my 30s, aka 20 with 12 years of additional experience 😜
  • Single...obviously 🤣

Yes, I walked across that bridge... I'll show you in a future blog haha

Now... what do I post about? Brace yourselves!

Drum & Bass Music 🎼

So this is my favourite genre of music to make, mix and listen to! On my blog, I share my music productions around 80% of the time and each track really has a story behind it as I'm inspired by my life events. Seeing as I do quite a lot of activities, there's always plenty of inspiration... but there's just NOT ENOUGH TIME TO MAKE MUSIC! Here's my Spotify profile so you can hear the noise I make 😁


Electronic Music Alliance 🙌

At the beginning of 2019, myself, Bufinjer and DaveyHub launched a global online electronic music community to help give music producers a place to network, grow their following and share knowledge/skills/banter with other like minded folks.

I write the monthly newsletters and blogs and there's so much going on with various playlists, projects, releases on our Electronic Alliance Records label, DJ Mixes and Radio shows that even the founders are struggling to keep up!

There's a great energy and we're most active on Twitter so follow us there for music ranging from downtempo, Techno, House to Drum & Bass.

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Downtempo, Techno, House and Drum & Bass - all in EMA

Travel Blogs ✈️

I have had a few bouts of travelling around the world for months at a time, being fortunate enough to see some spectacular places in USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the UK (my home country) before all of the travel restrictions were put in place. There's still so much to talk about with them and haven't even gone through all my travel adventures from last year yet so watch out for them, you never know when one might pop up 😃

Taken as I was flying back from Australia in 2015

2020km Challenge - Raising Money for Alzheimer's Society 🏃

A self-imposed challenge where I'm trying to reach a total distance of 2,020 km (~1,255 miles) by a combination of running and hiking, all in aid of raising money for Alzheimer's Society. I give a monthly update on how it's going and half of the post payouts of these reports go to the charity! So far I've raised £20 from STEEM and now HIVE posts and in total, it's about £40 out of the target of £2,020 - a long way to go in terms of the challenge and funds to raise but I have confidence we'll get there!

Raising money for Alzheimer's Society Image Source

Your Top 3 - Monthly HIVE Contest 👪

Oh yeah! This is a fun, monthly contest that myself, @plantstoplanks, @cheese4ead and @foxyspirit organise under the ruling thumb of our mascot, Q. We ask you, the HIVE community, what your Top 3 things are about a specific topic with HBD prizes given out to the winners at the end of each month, following a dpoll. There's always some great entries and we all love reading them!

With the quarterly and yearly leagues running too, there's even more prizes up for grabs. So far, we have been running this for over a year and have given away over $200 - not bad considering all you need to do is write a 250 word blog about your top 3 favourite things hey? Hope you can join!

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Thanks to @gabrielatravels for designing (and re-designing) our logos!

Bluffer's Guide 💡

It's a complex place this crypto malarkey but it's something you definitely need to start being a little more wary of as development continues in this fascinating industry. Seeing as the onus on security is put back on YOU with cryptocurrencies, blockchain and decentralisation, it can be daunting.

Enter the independent "Bluffer's Guide" which uses no technical language and is suitable for anyone who's 5 years old or above to get their head around the complex nature of it all (sorry <4 years and younger folks, you're just not ready yet 😉)! So if there's anything puzzling you about the mechanics of Hive, let me know and will do what research I can to help explain it.

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This is the previous Bluffer's Guide I wrote at the time of the the Hive Hard Fork


Ah, the great debate. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't completely confused about how I'd carry on after the events unfolded and the HF happened - I'm just a content creator at the end of the day and will focus efforts on where the engagement is at! Speaking of which, I've been looking in to exactly that in the last month on my posts using a spreadsheet of course 🤓 The results are below!


When comparing the post payout you could argue that they aren't too dissimilar with ~74 STEEM vs ~83 HIVE (I'm not looking at £ value) but I received a massive @blocktrades upvote on 31st March on STEEM before that account was frozen out of doing any more voting which probably skews the results so far. There is definitely more consistency with the Hive post payouts, ranging between 5.77 - 14.24 compared to 1.18 - 28.793 STEEM. In fact, barring that blocktrades upvote, each Hive post payout has been higher.

It's not just about the money though as this is a social blockchain as well - call it "Proof of Interaction" - check out the difference in the number of comments! There's next to 0 comments on STEEM compared to 71 on HIVE, which is more than what I ever got in years of posting on Facebook so yeah, I know where I'll be focusing my efforts! Thanks to everyone who's interacted, you're all...

Absolute Legends!

(You see, it wasn't a typo in the title of this blog after all)😃

Looking forward to continuing to get to know everyone on Hive and welcome new followers/legends to this mad scientist blog!

As always, take it easy, have fun and stay safe!


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