Dont confuse Intuition with Fear

I have now been 3 months renting a room and living like normal people do, and I'm really missing the outdoor lifestyle of minimalism and stillness. Many people right now and since a year at least already have been waking to the fact that they are not in a very good environment to stay in during these insane times we live in on the planet and they should leave.

Many house dwellers have uprooted and sold everything to flee from their home country's and still are trying as I type to get out of places like Australia. For Canadians its already too late, unless you remember that Planes are not the only way to travel, but the brain just doesn't think that actually, when not every inch of the border can be monitored so it is possible to walk over in some forest ect.

The reality of the near future..

There will be those that don't get out frozen by fear, or they get muddled up with their intuition telling them to leave and think that its fear talking so they ignore it. Many people are saying "your running in fear", I read it a lot in forums, but that is only the people that have escaped saying to the ones still there, to think again if they should leave because maybe they are acting from fear. Not one person I have read has said "Don't confuse intuition with fear".

What do we really have to loose?


I would say, unless you are asleep and unaware then ignorance is bliss until the final moment. If your aware, then you have nothing to loose. Either end up dead, disabled, very ill or even get hooked up to the internet in your body if you survive from the injections - or get put in a camp.

none of these outcomes is pleasant and this is why there is nothing to loose if selling everything and leaving before its all taken away from you anyways.

Interesting results from the Project in Central Mexico

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I have been receiving a lot of interest since a month already about the off grid autonomous project which is normal at this time of the world. Considering its like well, the end of the world, one would have thought that the interest I was getting would be from only huge macho men with testosterone levels through the roof, gun toting, scar faced ex marines and the like, but to be honest 90% of people willing to invest and bug out and go offgrid to make a place that is antigovernment and pro freedom of choice for the individual, have been women!

I say its just evidence that the war on masculinity worked.

The mind was obsolete for so long!

Be brave or be stuck in something you know is going to be bad. The thing you are most likely feeling was started by fear but actually there is this time a direct threat because its fucking obvious. Normally the mind has nothing to alert us about since we no longer live in caves and have tigers and other things to keep and eye out - which meant that we always had an over active mind and then it wasn't worth taking notes from.

Now environments have changed if you live in Austria, Australia or Canada, and even Holland, soon to be every country in Europe with no doubt, and there is a direct threat - so for the first time in many many many years, the mind is a tool again to keep us surviving.

Going back to what I say, is the decision bad if these days it is made from fear first?

Personally I don't think it is because the reality is real this time and not just a mental construct as a thought.

For people unsure whether to stay put and face the music or whether to leave and come to Mexico as its so behind with everything, and start afresh.. what do you have to loose.

If I was in a remote place and offgrid in a country that had already gone to the brink of civil war, then I would stay put and try to get a team together to live with.

One thing is for sure.. It aint going to stop until we are dead or locked up, or a humanoid.

Big Love and Abundance even in these testing times, @movingman

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