The Malady Of Being Driven Excessively By Dreams And Ambitions


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Dreams and ambition is a very powerful tool of motivation in the life of a man, this is because it gives purpose, it's a secondary mission of which the primary mission is to live, exist and thrive. However when people become too obsessed with these goals it brings a gradual process of decay and they're drawn away from the human society and the exhibition of natural inalienable human values. Yet, people sometimes feel that getting distracted from becoming rich is something they must avoid.

In every endeavour in life, we need distractions to regain our sanity. We need our sanity to continue some of the insane quests we put ourselves through in life. Sometimes things like falling in love brings out the virtue of patience, commitment and faithfulness and this equally transcends to endeavors which one is tasked themselves to accomplish in life. In all honesty, everything about life works when there's a practical aspect to it. People feel it's rigorous to stray away from their goals but they forget that in life their value would define them and not their goals.

I've learnt that humans have a short life span for the gigantic dreams they sire and the fact that we don't understand this makes us feel any form of comfort should come after every set goal has been achieved in life. But this is terribly erroneous. Some people don't pay cognisance to their state of existence, they bask in their current situation and how their future might look like and in their mind this is what they call embracing responsibility. But this is terribly shallow and the concept behind this mindset is definitely wrong.

Without a doubt, we need to be up and doing, but does responsibility become the reasons why we live the life of zombies? Definitely not. I've seen a lot of people who has lost the essence of being alive, they inculcate loneliness and an egotistical sense of self righteousness which leads them to deprivation and well they become self conceiting, and gradually they're lost in their own definition of a perfect world, this brings out pride and pomposity in them. They however realise at a later stage that they've been wrong but then it becomes too late.

Without a doubt, life's what it is, but what life is, is what we completely don't know, so many people form an acceptable opinion that's suitable for them in every way and this forms their natural belief about what they think of life which is generally shallow and not thoroughly deep. Life's deep and deeper than what we think and that's why it's important we see our essence of existence first. Dreams and ambitions are actually a framework to start our lives but allowing it to excessively drive one is malady.

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My name is @Josediccus, a young Nigerian student who is a Dtuber, 📷 Psychologist, Poet And Sports Writer/Analyst. I'm using my contents as a process to create shared meaning as well as create expressions through which people on/off steem can relate. I believe content is a process to be enjoyed and relished and I'm up for any collaborations in my field stated above. Cheers

@Josediccus, your brother in pen and video 📷

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