THE PROMENADE; A short narration of an experience.


Sometimes ago, about 7pm in the evening I decided to take a personal promenade along the Government Reserved Area. I came across this gentle aged man of about 78. He was also on the same aim that evening, taking a personal promenade along the street too. Something got us talking after a while. We introduced ourselves and decided to engage in more conversation. "Why are you taking promenade, alone?" He inquired prominently. I couldn't think of a good reason, this got me reasoning for a while. Maybe I just felt like, maybe I was stressed, maybe I felt too lone, maybe I needed to think, maybe it was due a heartbreak, or plight fate got me. "What should I even say?" I thought inside of me. "Nothing really sir" I finally voiced out "evening walk is usually very nice, isn't it sir?" I added. He smiled and nodded. I felt somehow stupid. Well, it probably wouldn't make sense to him because I'm a kid to him. The thought of he being more experienced immediately came to thought and I acceded to his action. "Why are you taking a promenade too sir" I anxiously asked. He took him time to respond too. At a point of waiting I felt he was also thinking of what to say but his gestures denied it. "Life, you either have what it takes or it takes what you have." He stopped and I was beginning to wonder what his quotation really had to do with the content of our discussion. It was after a short while into our conversation I realized he always give me a short while to think about every sentence that came out of his tract. Mr. Bonnie always wanted me to relate every of his statement with the little experience I have had in the past few years as a youth of 21. "You should be in your early twenties, I guess" he rhetorically uttered. I stood dumb, but acting to understand every of his utterance. Preferably, I was conscious enough to give account of every sound I produced. Not that bothered about my intelligence or whatever I was trying to pose. "Prequel to my first statement, I am taking a promenade because it's high time I took, another and more after. There are different reasons we take walks in times like this. You should also know that these reasons are categorized in ages. What do I mean?" He asked, I knew it was rhetorical, so I kept mute. And he continued "The reason you are taking a walk is undoubtedly different from mine. This days we no longer know the importance of strolling. Nevertheless, young people of your age either stroll to ease themselves from uncomfortable situations at home, to think of the next step that would bring money so they can meet up with mates who appear to be richer, to think about healthy relationship or after a heartbreak. But men of average age, I mean the ones between your age and mine. They stroll to think of possible solution to marital issues, to ruminate on expanding their business or taking a new turn at work place for the next project or progress. They could also stroll to ease themselves from home caused stress too." I paid apt attention, even in every pause he takes to breath for a while " On a contrary, people of my age go on evening walk for the sake of relaxation. Don't get me wrong, relaxing isn't all about staying on a spot to either nap or sleep" he emphasized "A stroll like this could also serve that purpose" so I began to wonder why mine can't be for relaxing or easing myself off the stress, I uncontrollably voiced out. It sounded like a confrontation but Mr. Bonnie smiled at it. Again I felt embarrassed, and my countenance couldn't hide it this time. "Time, that is what it takes" Mr. Bonnie accompanied his utterance with another smile and kept mute for a while. It was another time spared for my thought to wiggle again. His first utterance quickly ran through my memory and I could merge them "Life, you either have what it takes or it takes what you have. Time, that is what it takes" I said out loud. This time, his smile gave me unsaid kudos. I was proud of myself. I then ceases thinking and talking for him to continue. "It is not your time to stroll for the purpose of relaxing, if you know what that mean" Mr. Bonnie never gets lost in thought. He makes every statement in concordance with the afore and preliminaries, no matter the timespan or interruption. "The summary of the reasons I gave are; your age range stroll in order to plan for the next possible steps that would yield productive results. The average age range stroll in times like this to think of improvement and how to expand their financial tertiary and possibly means to keep a healthier marital home, while those of my age range does this to relax after the stress of time past, the stress the afore age range brought us, for the time we gave what it takes in order to keep safe what we have." The whole conversation was becoming interesting. My shoulders fell. My intelligence became as humble as a numbskulled fellow. I couldn't wait to ask to know more about Mr. Bonnie. "Sir, so what..." He interrupted me as if he knew what I was going to ask. "Our stroll is supposed to be personal ones, I guess" He said giving me handshake. In the process, he slingshotted his business card in my palm. "I have to go now, young man" he called me. " Strolling alone is very healthy and should be done more often for safe mental health, but the time and reason for every stroll is important too" he retreated his arms to his pocket, walking off majestically in his white and ash coloured sneakers. For a while I watched him walk off, before considering reading what is thier on the card. To my surprise, Mr. Bonnie is the chief executive officer of one of the biggest multi billionaire organization in the country. No doubt he knew what it takes to live a good life at a very young age and had given it all to have it all. Indeed, his promenade was for relaxation, and this it was his time. After a short while of reading and thinking on a spot, I flipped my direction back home. I needed to know what it takes from that point, even if Mr. Bonnie didn't tell me that. But I couldn't wait to meet again.

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