Major Milestone | Half Way To Dolphin | 2500 HIVE Staked


Posting about my own stake here on HIVE isn't something I'm typically keen on doing. Bragging isn't a quality I approve of.

I've learned over time that it is important to recognize oneself for accomplishments when reaching certain milestones. Why is that?

On the surface, it gives us a chance to look back and realize the extent of our efforts. As humans, we tend to be very well equipped when it comes to self-criticism.

Though not necessary to slap ourselves on the back for every victory, we owe it to ourselves to admit our achievements.


The Unseen Effects Of Motivation


More important than shouting out about my own achievement, a milestone shows others that it can reached. It's accessible!!

For those far below the milestone, it may seem far away. Let me tell you, I didn't start blogging a couple months ago.

My beginnings here date back to that old blockchain. But even before that I was learning by writing content for websites as well as on my own blog.

If you want it, it surely takes hard work. The good news is you only need to work at it a day at a time. The more effort you inject, the more rewards will return.


Lots Of Help From The Fork

One thing that helped launch my stake here on HIVE was an early power down of my staked Steem. In all honesty, I'd given up writing on Steem and saw no sense having that crypto tied up. So I powered most of my hodlings down months in advance of the split.

Then when the HF happened, I had those available turn quickly into HIVE. What the market at the time, I'm not sure I could have gotten a better rate.

On top of my Steem, I'd also invested some of my old earnings into BitShares. Because most of my experience with BitShares was guessing wrong on shorts or longs, I decided to move my remaining shares to HIVE.

After The Hard Fork

One of the reasons I went all in on HIVE was my past experience on that old blockchain. All the people that made it fun and worthwhile left and came here, a fact I was well aware of.

Having no idea what to expect, I made the decision to start blogging again every....or close to everyday.

The Perfect Storm


Back in those days, I never stopped seeing crypto as the future. I thought its day would come but still be a few years off. What I hadn't considered was the BTC halving.

I also hadn't counted on a virus coming along, leading to a world wide lockdown.

Neither did I think that all the drama on the old platform would happen at roughly the same time.

All these factors came together and I felt in my bones that it was time to act. There has been no looking back (stopping I mean) since that day. And the support round here has been insane! Better than it ever was before.


Gratitude To All My Supporters

From the big Appreciator votes and large curation pool awards down to all the .01 cent votes or less. You have all helped make my work here worth it. Financial rewards are the smallest factor as far as I'm concerned.


Because if I wasn't here blogging on HIVE, I'd be doing it somewhere else. I stay here because of all of you. You make it fun and engaging. Now that I'm working again in the physical world, I can't wait to get home and back to HIVE.


There are so many Communities here that I enjoy posting to. From my love of birds on Feathered Friends to crazy mushrooms on Fungi Lovers, it goes on and on. I try to post to Leo Finance three times a week and am actively growing that account as well.

But mostly, I post on a round robin to #PowerHouseCreatives, #Gems, and #OCD. The good people running these Communities have supported me back from my very beginnings.

I wouldn't be anywhere here if we're not for the support of @jaynie and @appreciator. Appreciator used to drop big votes on the Steemitbloggers posts... a gift we always looked forward to receiving.

And Finally....2500 HIVE All Powered Up!!!



After exchanging HBD for HIVE this morning and powering 50 up, it put me just over 2,500. With all the support that comes in, it should keep growing at a steady rate.



The graph above shows how rapid my account growth has been the past few months compared to the months before. It goes to show...put your head down and work and it will happen.


Thanks for reading, keep at it, and as always...



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Bottom Image Courtesy Of Brand Assets
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