A Paradigm Shift on the Highest Point of Cebu

This is not a travel blog
This is an ode
To a moment in my life
When I have decided
That I had enough of it



It was up in the mountains
On the highest point
Of the island
Where I've lived
All my life

I remember the clouds
That floated while I walked
I remember the trees
The vegetation
That watched me
While I shivered in the cold



I want to write
About that moment
Because I need it
To remind myself

That you can't harvest
What you did not sow
You can't keep going
If you don't know where to go



But despite all of that
There is more to life
Than harvesting and going
There is the in-between
The space to be still
And to take in the field
To observe the path where you're in

It was there
That I received
A call that pushed me
To the edge of my path



It was there
That I was forced
To look down and realize
That there was more
Beyond the worries
I left in the city
That kept haunting me

I was forced to be still
And to look down
At my freedom
Blossoming and green
Right in front of me



I had an epiphany
Up there in the mountains
That propelled me
To start making decisions

That brought me
To where I am now
And that took me
Away from a place
That kept holding me back



My eyes were opened
And I saw differently
Everything shifted
And my world
Changed in front of me

I finally asked myself
Why do you keep
Subjecting yourself
To the same torment
The same problems
Over and over again



When you can simply
Decide that you've had enough
You always had the choice
You just needed to take it


From that moment on
I knew what I had to do
I knew what I needed to let go
To free myself from the pain


There was really more to life
Than harvesting and going
I stopped
And looked around me


There was so much more for me
To do
To feel
And to experience


Viktor was right
There is a space of stillness
A space where you can
Start to live your life truly



He’s a dreamer and a thinker. He tends to sensationalize a lot of things. He got that from his mother. He’s also a bit melodramatic. Must be from his father. Bear with him as he shares his thoughts and experiences about his travels, dreams, and the variety of things he’s trying to learn and improve (personal development, writing, cryptocurrency, fitness, etc.). If you like this post please give it an upvote and if for some reason you’re interested in more future content, please don’t hesitate to follow.
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