Showcasing my photos of the European Stonechat (Saxicola rubicola)


Hi I wanted to show my photos of one of the bird species that exist here in Portugal, Saxicola rubicola, or it´s other names borra, borrejo, caga-estacas, cartaxo, cartaxo-comum, charrasco, chasca, chasco, chasco-preto, negrinha, pardinha, pardinho, pretinha e tange-asno depending on the region of the country.


An insect eating species. This bird can be easily identified by it´s black head, in contrast with the white color and orange breast in the males.

The female however has a less colorful plumage as you can see in these photos bellow.


It can be found in small woods, open fields and even on beach dunes. On of the best places to ind this bird in Portugal are on the coastal as well in Alentenjo, Estremadura and most of Beira Interiror.

I caught a glimpse of these birds on a beach in àrvore, near Vila do Conde, so it seems to check out.

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