Who has the G-dog followed lately?

Every so often I do a post about some of the people I've followed recently. It makes me feel like I am doing a little something to help the community find others to follow and I like to think it helps expose those I've followed to a wider audience.

It is very difficult to get noticed here and I know I would have been very grateful had someone done this for me back three years ago when I first started.

So let's delve into a few of the accounts I've run into. I'll also give them a G-dog rating which will help you determine how good they are.

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@sofiaquino98 has been around since July 2017, only a month after I joined myself. I had seen her posts around the place but not clicked into one until only a few months ago. What I found was wondrous. She is a deep-thinking young lady who offers a mixture of thoughts about life and personal experiences in her posts. She does some cool arts and craft work and is not afraid to add a healthy dose of passion and personality to her posts.

Rating: Legit!

@scubahead dived into hive in August 2018 and has entertained the masses with a mix of diving-related posts, Philippines-oriented stories and images and you'll not want to miss his rocket fuel coffee morning rambles. He peppers his posts with some very interesting photos and isn't afraid to keep it real, be himself and rock it in a pretty awesome way. This fellow has a great sense of humour, is happy to engage with others and to get involved with the community.

Rating: Legit!

@ladybug146 is another old-school user who has been around since June 2017, the same month I started. She hails from the most legit country of Canada and feeds hive with some very interesting posts on animals, the environment, nature, food and cooking and a lot of very interesting thoughts. I've commented back and forth with her a bit and have found her to be intelligent, a lot of fun and very informative. A scroll through her posts will demonstrate this in no uncertain terms.

Rating: Legit!

@stevenwood has been an on and off...And on again user here but seems to have come back with renewed vigour and enthusiasm. He began his journey in March 2018 and I came across him a short while ago. This interesting, fun and engaging bloke seems like someone I would feel comfortable having beer with at the pub (as all the above are). He is a very genuine guy, I mean a good guy. He thinks, feels and acts with passion and bucket loads of personality and, in my opinion, has a deeply caring nature and a desire to help people. He writes...And writes...And writes...He wears verbosity like a crown, but he has interesting things to say and so...

Rating: Legit!

I think I'll leave it there for now as scrolling through these people's feeds will keep you very busy for a while. I can add more later I guess.

You all know I'm always talking about the power of engagement and the importance on relationship-building here on hive. It is critical to growth; Do it and growth happens, do it not and...It doesn't. Not my best quote ever, just the simple fact.

Critical to engagement is finding great people to engage with and that's why I do these posts every so often; To slip a few users under your noses and I hope you'll take the time to check out these four...After all, they have a legit rating from the G-dog...That's gotta count for something right?

Just on another note, don't forget about the #weekend-engagement topic coming out in about 24 hours! Friday is the day, y'all know that!

Have a look on my feed tomorrow and check it out. There's hive to win, engagement to engage in and fun to have. Get on it y'all.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209

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