The winter day

Today was one of my best work days ever...Because I wasn't at work I was hanging out with my brother, his wife and son and my wife Faith...While getting paid to be at work. Yeah, yeah I know...I'm lucky to have flexibility in my job; I know this.

We got an early start today and headed up to my gun range to shoot some handguns. My brother and his wife haven't had much experience with guns but after an hour or so were both shooting with a little more confidence and having a lot of fun. They ended up shooting about 250 rounds between them and I even got my brother doing some movement drills whilst shooting. I think he's becoming keen on getting his firearms license. (That was my plan.)

From there we drove further into the Adelaide Hills to show them some sights and have some lunch.

We stopped in a little country town called Birdwood, bought some stuff for lunch and had a nice little picnic in the park there. My nephew took the time to run around of course, and made me do so also...Tired me out to be honest. There were butter,flies everywhere today. The little park we stopped at for lunch was surrounded by blossoming trees simply full of them...Too good an opportunity not to snap a photo of one on my phone.

It was a beautiful day here today of about 17°C and completely blue skies; A pretty typical winter day in Adelaide. We made the most of it for sure.

We headed home around 2pm...But got side-tracked. My nephew has a lot of energy and decided he wanted to go to the park...Because I'm a cool uncle, that's where we went! Below you can see the little tacker and me in a fort-construction at the park...Don't ask how difficult it was for me to get into it...It was a tight squeeze...But I made it. (Getting down was awkward though.)

We had a really great day today. Faith and I are making the most of having some family here as usually it's just us. We have also had a fairly tough time of it lately so it's nice to have a bit of fun and forget about the troubles of life for a while. I think kids have a way of lightening the mood right? This is especially the case when they're someone else's...As the uncle I get to have all the fun and let mum and dad worry about the bad stuff!

As far as Thursday's go today was a pretty good one and, of course, after Thursday comes Friday and that means the #weekend-engagement topic post isn't far away. I'm thinking a little drawing topic again for this week...Of course, nothing complicated...No skill required, just a sense of humour.

If you're interested in having some fun, engaging with some of the community and having a chance to wind some hive then keep an eye out for it tomorrow.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209

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