KP's, coffee and cookies

Today has been pretty cool. It's been a rare occasion to be honest as I got to spend it with one of my brothers and sister; We don't get together much as we live at different corners of Australia, a vast country. It's be a great day, hanging out, talking about the good old days and catching up with what's going on with each of our lives.

Of course all good catch-ups go a little better with coffee and coffee goes better with cookies...And there's been plenty of both.

My brother and sister have come to Adelaide to attend our father's funeral on Monday; A sad occasion of course as we love our father very much; Although whilst we're going to mourn his loss we also intend to celebrate and honour his life, and so us getting together is a combination of happy and sad I suppose.

Today we spent the whole day together at my house talking, having lunch and entertaining drop-in guests that seemed to pop around every hour or so. I don't normally like too many people at my house but it was nice to have my family there, and we all appreciated the condolences and company of other's dropping by. It was almost a constant coffee and cookie day as no sooner had we said goodbye to one set of friends, others turned up...More coffee and more cookies.

One of the coolest things was seeing my nephew again, my brothers 22-month old lad. He is the best little kid...Funny, intelligent and he loves uncle G-dog! It's because I'm the best uncle in the world. Don't believe me? Just ask @smallsteps, my niece.

It was so cool playing with my nephew and teaching him some new words, all good ones of course, and to hanging out with the little guy who is as cute as can be!

Since my dad died just over a week ago I have been having a pretty torrid time of it; I have't said much here, but I've been struggling a bit, emotionally. I've had a lot on my mind I guess. Having my brother and sister here, and the support from my wife Faith and our friends has been such an important aspect though and I feel a little energised now, and more able to push on into the funeral day and beyond.

Getting a few of the KP's together is always an interesting time...Laughs are a guarantee! It would have been cool if my two brothers from Finland could have also be here but we will have to make do without them as they can't travel here due to the flu-situation.

KP's, coffee and cookies is a good combination though, even with only three fifths of us...And I had a great day today. I'm feeling good.

I hope your weekend is going great also team. I hope that you will head on over to the #weekend-engagement post for this week...There's 100 hive to win, and some fun to be had. Follow the link here to the post on how to enter.

Happy weekend y'all.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209

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