Confused eyes [Fifteen minute fiction]

The words why me echoed through her mind; A question she'd asked more times than she could count. What did I do to deserve this; Another recurring question that spun in her mind when she thought of him. The vortex of emotion and thought tossing the same questions out over and over; Perpetual thought but no satisfaction, no satisfactory answers. Why me?

She sat at the table, silent, the cup of tea long cold, shadows lengthening with the passage of time and each passing moment bringing the moment of his return closer. She squirmed a little at the thought of his return the movement more involuntary than conscious but it brought no respite from the feeling; Soon he would return and...She lost herself in the memory.

It had been hours since he walked out yet she still felt his touch upon her body and face; His hands reaching to her, the moment they touched her skin, her shoulders, arms...Face and neck...She squirmed, this time a little longer...That touch. Why me?


He'd always been very clear about why, abundantly clear; He had a way of conveying his message with a look, oh that look. It was intense; A challenge, almost primal in nature, compelling. His touch though, certainly his touch...It weakened her, rendered her powerless; It wasn't just giving in, it was total capitulation. He would return, walk in the door and raise his hand to her face and she'd submit. He'd never held back. im src

She'd often wondered how she'd managed to fall into this situation; Total capitulation was an odd feeling for a smart, intelligent and savvy girl to feel, but here she was sitting in the dark awaiting his return and the inevitable and unavoidable surrender.

Hours later she heard the car and her heart started to beat a little faster. She could hear his boots on the path, the stairs and onto the porch...She hurried to the door to meet him as always, she never risked not being there, and she arrived just as he walked in. She looked at his face, sometimes so hard to read; He looked tired but beneath she saw something else, something in his eyes...She thought about surrender, the capitulation.

She approached and he appraised her up and down before his eyes locked with hers. He stepped forward and raised his hand...She teetered on the edge of surrender knowing the fall was inevitable and then...

His hand touched her face, lovingly; A tender caress punctuated by that intense gaze and the smile she loved so much...In that moment she became lost, and found all at once. It was a familiar feeling. She melted into the embrace and as his arms enfolded her, she clung to him desperately still wondering, why me?

The fire crackled and popped, the only light in the room; A soft orange-red glow only just held the darkness at bay, a cocoon of light surrounding the couple laying entwined together. She lay haphazardly across his upper body and his arms held her as they both stared into the low flames.

He looked down at her, moved so he could look her in the eyes.

"You're wondering, aren't you?" He said this softly and with a smile.

She looked up at him through her lashes and smiled. "Always. How did you know?"

"It's your confused eyes. They give you away."

She moved, pressing into his body, trying to get closer, and his arms tightened about her reassuringly as she said...

"Tell me again...Why me?

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Discord: galenkp#9209

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