Will this shake cause havoc than the usual?

The clouds have changed, and it looks so wonderful to watch as it welcomed a new month with the greatest gift it could ever have. The rain from last night really washed the skies to have a perfect whether to start this new month. Occasionally, every first day of May is considered as May Day (holiday) over here. On this day, all workers around meet up to celebrate all the wonderful achievements they have gone through so far and to also meet new people around to start friendships and to also get acquainted with people in the world of business.


But for some reason, even though today is being declared as a holiday, the celebration as done in previous years will not happen. All thanks to the pandemic in the world known to many as the novel coronavirus. It has been moved from national burden to the world’s burden rather, since any good vaccine from any country would be of great help to the other.

Day 11 after being out of lockdown really caused a shake that many around were so much afraid to go by their daily tasks. And the reason is simple, we woke up and started the day in a normal mood of even saying we are so lucky around to not confirm any cases for the past two day, only to have a notification on twitter from the ministry of health of Ghana that we have confirmed 403 more cases to the old number of 1,671 just days ago.


ministry of health,Ghana

At first I thought I was in a trance and needed to be waked from it, but as I tried to confirm what I had from other sources, I got to know that for real, neither was I dreaming nor in any trance of that sort, everything was so real and the right figures we had or stand as a country.

According to the statistics showed in there, the four regions who hasn’t confirmed any case of covid-19 were still on the clean sheet with still 0 confirmed cases. So in total Ghana’s situation of covid-19 stands at 2074 confirmed cases with 17 official deaths, but later in the evening I learnt a child who died at the Okomfo Anokye teaching hospital had covid-19, am yet to let the ministry of health to officially confirm that up and add it to the list of persons who couldn’t survive through. On the side of recoveries we had moved from 155 to 212.


ministry of health, Ghana

I would have broken down all these cases according to the various regions but time will not permit me now, but I know I will do that in one of these days. After this new realize the debate around is, “Is the government really putting people life at risk just to cause a balance in the economy? Well, that’s a question to answer one of these days, but on the bare looks of the stats that is the first impression any individual gets when he/she hears the numbers.

For now the best thing for one to do is to see any person he/she sees as a victim with the virus in order to protect his/her self well. But the good news around is that by the end of this week there is going to be a local manufacturing emergency test kit in the market for everyone to test out his/her status to know how he/she will go about his/her affairs. Personally, until the test kits come around for the mass to test out their status, I don’t think anyone would believe when being told to move around freely.


As I end my blog for today, I would like to also say today marks the very day that the government’s promise of subsidizing electricity for the next three months starts, but since this draft was made during the early hours of the morning, the rest to the news as in whether it really worked out as the Electricity of Ghana (ECG) said or not, we will know as the day progresses.

See you around soon in my next blog and don’t forget to share your thoughts as well.

Note : All other images are property of pixabay.com

#beahero #staysafe #covid19 #stopstigmatization

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