Introducing Myself


For starters, I'm Dorcas by name, all the way from readcash blog. Hive blog was introduced to me by a great writer named "Olawalium." Honestly, I've been skeptical about joining this platform especially because I felt the tasks to be carried out on this platform might just not be my calling, hiveblog isn't as smooth or easy to do like readcash blog, the settings here is also quite different from readcash blog. Asides the aforementioned, I was and I'm actually still literally scared as regards how I'll actually cope on this platform. I guess I finally decided to take a bold step of faith forward by finally drafting and soon to also publish my first article after weeks of opening an account here.

I really have no clue as to how it works around here, I heard it's also fun here and I'm guessing everything deals with determination and consistency. Logging in on Hive blog made me realize that almost everything has an address or do I call it password. Unlike readcash blog, hive blog has a password for one to post, like and comment on the articles of others, I hope I'm not mistaken by this.

Hopefully, I'll learn about more features here, how to properly insert an image, how to upvote articles, more about hive communities, proper means of interacting; especially because I'm presently actually clueless as regards how I'll start interacting with people on this platform and so much more I've not learnt about hive blog...

Oh! That's true, the title says; "Introducing myself" lol, well I'm guessing we'll all get to know more about me and vice versa as time ticks off.

I literally don't know how to mention a person's name in my article, that's the main reason why I had to place Olawalium's name in-between two quotation marks. I'm clueless as to what to write further. Lol, this is me; testing the mic.

This would be all for today's blog, I'm slightly hoping my words aren't quite jumbled up, I hope to have a great and lovely time here.

Let me chip this in, I've actually been trying to publish since 30minutes ago, until my instincts diverted my mind to ecency. It's quite easier drafting and publishing from here.

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