Provision of immunization for children and free treatment of rural communities.

Hi Hive lovers ...
Today I will again tell about the activities that I did from the morning, namely the schedule of work going down to the village, to see firsthand the health conditions of the village community, especially the poor, besides that me and my friends also provide services and free medication for them.



The activity that we do is an activity of our own initiative from the health team in the sub-district, this is hard for us to do because some of the villagers are still very ordinary with medical treatment, they still trust the shaman in treating a disease, even there are still many pregnant women who giving birth using the services of a shaman.




So in addition to providing free service and treatment for villagers, we also approach and socialize for residents, to change the way of seeing treatment, to trust the health team, and want to go to the hospital, so that the disease is cured, and do not believe things mystical in treating diseases that is by not going to the shaman's place of treatment.

And for now, after we give a briefing, the villagers have slowly started to leave their activities to go to the shaman when they are sick, this can be seen from the increasing crowds of people who come when we provide free services to them, much different from when we recently descended to the village, maybe only 2 or 3 people who want to come to the place of health care that we do.

Hopefully this activity can continue to be carried out, so that all villagers want to change the way of correct treatment, and no longer believe in occult and mystical things in treating their disease.

Only this is a little about my activities on the day, thank you for those of you who have visited and read my writing many times.



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