Hi fam❤
If you noticed, it's been very long I posted here on Hive. I've been extremely busy and when this is all done I'd be back here for reals!


How my days have been for the past few months😭

These past few months have been really exhausting, tiring and productive all the same. I wake up by 6am everyday literally, go to work (as a teacher), close by 3pm, then start working on my design projects till I need to eat, sleep then repeat same next day. So you can understand what I'm passing through at the moment. It would have been worse but thanks to the Federal Government of Nigeria for keeping us at home all this while(months). So I'm not tired, and as you'd see below my efforts are beginning to pay off gradually 😁.

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Trust me this works for me, it might for you too. Sometimes when I'm stressed I try watching movies and more often than not I end up regretting the decision ‼️. I tire my eyes out, my brain too eventually. SO THIS IS WHAT WORKS FOR ME😇

PRAY TO GOD : This may sound off to some of you but as I said earlier it works for me💯. I spend my time pouring out my heart to my father, sometimes just enjoying his presence and all that comes with it😊. I get to be strengthened, unburdened, relieved e.t.c. I would recommend this to anyone, anytime😁.

EAT HEALTHILY : When I'm working and I get hungry, the next thing my body tells me instinctively is to consume a lot of junks. This right here is very, very unhealthy. Yeah sometimes I concur to my body desires 😂 but I'm working on changing already. When you're working and you feel hungry, take some time out to eat healthy meals. Don't work and eat at the same time, a few minutes dedicated to eating won't hurt. You're welcome in advance 😊.

DRINK LOTS OF WATER : Indeed, water is life👍. The larger percentage of your body is made up of fluids and as humans our strength is highly dependent on our fluid (water) intake. SODA IS NOT WATER! Please drink water, lots of it.

SLEEP WELL : Now, i don't mean sleep for long hours🙏, what I mean is whenever it's time to sleep, put away all distractions. Make sure you have only one alarm set (if you use alarms) i.e. the one that would wake you up. Trust me this is good advice. I'm a deep sleeper sometimes so I set multiple alarms before I sleep especially when I have deadlines to meet the following morning, and most times I forget to turn off the multiple alarms so the next night is like hell for me. I literally wake up 5 times before I wake up. If you know,you know😂. All I'm saying is REST WELL


Let me just add this, teaching is stressful but funnnn!!!! I get to interact with the younger generation, observe their views on life generally and honestly speaking it's a blessing! I teach them and I also learn a thing or two from them too.

If you see me, just put like $100 in my hand😂, this is a very very tough season in my life. So I'm sorry for not sharing useful content like I used to but I'd try my best to keep up. Thanks for staying with me till this point ❤.


This post is just me ranting and letting you guys know that I've not forgotten y'all. You still have a place in my heart 😊. Thanks!


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