When Corona Ends : - 3 Things I'll Do.

With a death toll increasing day by day, and nations are purging and convulsing every now and then. Mankind is begging for a cure and none can be found, neither in herbs nor in our scientific technology. It's now clear that we've all entered an uncharted waters.

Many things are new now. New virus, new technology, new communication skills, new broadband connection as we all clamour for 5G. Though we are getting to see things now clearer but it looks as if the oceans of man's challenge is bigger than his inventions.

Well, one thing is on ground now and that is Covid-19 and I can't wait for it to end. Seriously, I mean seriously.

I just can't wait for it to end.

Some things are sure that I'll do when the Corona virus is over.

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.1. Dance and give God all the Glory: I know this might sound a little bit hilarious to believe but that's the truth, at every point in time GOD'S people just finished passing through any challenges that are life threatening. They will open there mouth and praise and danced into the Lord. That's what am going to do.

I know churches will hold thanksgivings services Nationwide and my church will also hold a once in a month Nation's Worship In His Presence too which will be great. It's a time to thank God.

A typical example of this is found in the Bible, when the children of Israel passed through the red Sea, the first thing they did was sing a new song unto the Lord and danced.

Exodus 15 : 1-21

1 Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the Lord, and spake, saying, I will sing unto the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea.
20 And Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand; and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances.
Exo 20: 1,20.

Bible Verse Source

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.2. There are some songs that by the help of God the choir and the pastor has composed already, but the choir hasn't score or learnt the songs yet, I believe the whole of the first week will be geared towards recording and editing those songs. These are the samples of the song.


I'll Tell My Story


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We still have more production to do as per Media ICT Unit of the Church and am sharpening my skills on Adobe PREMIERE PRO day by day.

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.3. Learn other Adobe feature, be it Adobe after effect, adobe media encoder, adobe Lightroom and many more. I really want to know how to use many of these software to enhance my production skills.


So, the above is a response to @theycallmedan contest on Hive.blog.

#WhenCoronaEnds - Initiative

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